Your Gift (34)

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Chapter 34: Your Gift

~ Rebeccas POV ~

I don't know about you but this year has been hectic for me. My problems and drama with things have pasted me and I don't think anything can make it worst.

Christmas is my all time favorite holiday and I absolutely love it. I have all my gifts for everyone including Jaxons. We weren't together when I bought them but I still did.

I love him.

But I also love Christmas.

I wake up and smell coffee ready outside. I can also smell pancakes and french toast. I take a deep breath in adoring the smell and finally get up to eat.

I run outside excited before-

" Merry Christmas!"

I jump back surprised but still smiling.

Everyone I love is here.

Charlotte, Josh, Kara, Heath, and Jaxon. Everythings perfect, the huge tree in my house that I decorated with Ryan who is also here. Then theres lights swinging in from the ceiling making everything bright and happy. There's a huge table set out with plates of food scattered around.

I look up smiling." This is amazing!" I squeal.

I run to everyone and give them a huge hug to thank them for being here. Then I walk over to Jaxon whos in the kitchen still cooking.

I hug him from the back. " Thanks for everything. It's beautiful."

He turns around and pulls me into a sweet deep kiss. His lips taste like chocolate and I moan at the fact.

" Its not as beautiful as you." He whispers into my ear.

I smile as he picks up some plates and place then down at the table. I follow and we all sit down comfortably . Jaxon sits next to me, Charlotte and Josh sits together in front of us. Then its Heath on my other side and Kara by his side.

Ryan is standing up against the wall.

" Ryan come and sit down, eat with us." I say.

" No its fine Rey you re-"

" Ryan sit down and eat with us, its a gift." Jaxon steps in. Ryan doesn't argue and sits next to Kara.

" Alright! Lets eat!" I yell.

Everyone starts digging in and grabbing for food to put on there plates. Everythings amazing that I moan everytime I place it into my mouth.

Jaxon places his hand on my lap and continues eating and laughing to jokes Heath and Josh say.

" I see you got your man back." Kara whispers.

I smile." Yea I did. Definitely worth it."

" I always knew you guys would get back together. This is your gift Rebecca, Jaxon is your gift, so take care of it." She says and I nod.

He is my gift and I overly love it.

I slide my hand to his and inlace it with mine and look up at him. His green eyes shine with the lights. They look happy and their filled with lust.

" I love you Rebecca."

" I love you Jaxon."

Its 3 in the after noon and everyone just left after eating and opening up our gifts.

Charlotte got a promise ring from Josh which was gorgeous and Josh got a signed jersy by Stephan Curry since his a huge fan.

Then I gave Charlotte a bracelet from Pandora and Josh a another jersy signed from some other dude since he loves basketball.

Then I gave Heath a bunch of Neiman Marcus shirts since he loves looking fresh. Then I received a pink pandora ring, it was gorgeous.

Then Kara gave me a $150 gift card to Forever 21 which I loved and laughed about. In return I gave her a diamond necklace since she's helped me so much.

After Ryan gave me a gucci purse after telling him a milliok times not buy me anything. But i was still grateful and happy. So I gave him a $300 gucci watch.

Finally it was Jaxon.

I gave him a Mavodo $950 stainless steel watch. His eyes widen when he opened it and attacked me with a hug and a million kisses.

" You didn't need to buy me something so expensive." He said.

" It's worth it." I responded.

Then I opened my box and I was immediately was hit with a huge amount off light in my face. I look closely and saw a watch.

" Jaxon!? This must have cost so much!" I yell looking at the watch.

It's made out of diamonds and it was just beautiful. Its probably the most expensive this I own- not including the diamond necklace, it means the world to me.

" Its worth it for you."

Me and Jaxon have been sitting down on the couch watching T.V and eating popcorn the whole afternoon since everything is closed.

I get up with a smirk.

" Come along Jaxon." I mention to him.

He looks at me confused before I roll my eyes and grab his hand." What are you doing?"

Gosh I can't believe I'm finally doing this.

I ignore his question rush him into my bedroom before I close the door and turn around to a confused Jaxon.

I walk up to him and give him a deep kiss. He kisses me back and pushes me against the door making a thumb. I smile between kisses and jump wrapping my legs around his waist as his hands cup my bottom.

My hands go up his abbs to his chest and around his neck.

" Lets have sex."




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