Wishing (42)

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Chapter 42: Wishing

~ Rebeccas POV ~

You know... maybe miracles are real, but I personally don't believe in them. Maybe someone in this hospital will wake up from being a coma for the past 10 years.

Maybe a childs cancer will be gone in the morning.

I really want to believe in miracles and I bet they have happened to you or someone you know.

I wish Jaxon was awake after getting surgery done 2 days ago... I wish I wasn't in the hospital that my parents died in.

No not my biological parents.

I mean the parents that raised me. The mother that raised me and took care of me. The mother that was taken away from me when she died in this hospital caused my a car accident.

So no... I don't believe in miracles.

But i'm wishing I would.

" You should go home... and shower." Charlotte rubs my back.

I look at her throwing a deadly glare as she shifts uncomfortably in her seat.

" I'll go home once Jaxon wakes up. And you should stop eating the chocolate cake." I take the cake from her.

" You can't stop my cravings!" she yells while her mouth was stuffed.

I shrug a shoulder." So hows the baby?" I turn to her trying to get something else in my mind at the moment.

She smiles." She's good." she looks down and rubs on her growing belly." I haven't been vomiting so much in the past days."

" She?"

" Well I hope it's a girl. I have an appointment next month and I think they're gonna tell me the gender." She says.

" That's good." I give her a weak smile.

She notices it." Whats wrong? What happened?" she asked concerned.

I sigh." A lot happened."

" Was it with Jaxon?"

I nod." He said he wanted a baby." I look at Jaxon laying down breathing slowly." But I said I didn't want one and he kept pushing me..." I look back at her and look down.

She grabs my hand." I'm sure he understood after everything. But you feel guilty don't you?"

" And I also have a long lost sister..." I say and she widen her eyes.

" Nooo wayyy." She squeals." What happened?" She asks.

" She came up to me and just told me I was her sister, then I left in obvious shock..."

" And then..." she gestures to continue.

" And that's it, I haven't seen or heard from her." I sigh.

I look up.

"But anyways..." she pauses, " Why for some reason in your very stupid head would you think anything about Jaxon wanted a baby and you saying no have anything to do with Jaxon getting shot?" she asks.

" I—"

" No." she stops me." You're gonna get that very dumb ass thought out of your head, because Becca, you had nothing to do with it."

" They're gonna find Jaxon's shooter and his gonna pay for what he did to him." She assures.

I really didn't believe that they would find Jaxons shooter, especially after they never found mine almost a year later...

" We sure as hell are." Says Josh walking in with Heath holding BBQ ribs." Especially since we couldn't find who shot you.. Sorry bout that hun." Heath says giving me a hug.

" It's fine." I say remembering when that happened.

The numbness I felt when the bullet hit my stomach. The sirens of the ambulance taking me to the hospital. The sight of Jaxon crying after I woke up.

The pain of walking with a scar.

That's the pain that Jaxon is feeling. That's the pain he felt and the pain he's going to feel.

" You think we should throw him a party after he wakes up?" Josh suggests." He hasn't gotten drunk in while..."

Everyone just stares at him eating his bbq ribs alone in the corner.

" Ok, I guess thats a no."

It's quite.

Everyone left and I'm the only one here. I sleep on the couch against the wall that opens up into a bed.

I've been asked the same questions 20 times in the past 3 days.

" Did you see anyone?"

" Does Jaxon have any enemies?"

" Is Jaxon envolved with any gang related things?"

Total bullshit.

I chuckle to myself thinking about everything that has happened in the past month. Everyone else is happy but me... I'm suffering.

I'm suffering right now.

Looking at Jaxon with wires around him and hearing the machine that measures his heart beat makes me hurt.

It makes me suffer.

Maybe Charlotte, Josh, and Heath feel bad and are also hurting but they don't understand my pain. Jaxons Mom, Rose, feels my pain, after all she is his only son.

Jaxons dad on the other hand hasn't come yet, I haven't heard anything about him.

I look down at Jaxon.

" It hurts to see you like this." I put my palm against is cheek softly.

I lean down and kiss him. His soft lips stay still and makes me wish they were moving against mine.

" I know it does." I hear.

I open my eyes and see Jaxon, awake with his eyes open. His emerald green eyes finally open and looking directly into mine.

Tears fall down my cheeks.

I jump on him trying not to hurt him as I soak my tears on his hospital gown. " I can't believe this happened to you Jaxon." I cry.

I puts his hands around me, hugging me and whispers." I can't believe you had to see me like this." he says.

" I didn't think you were gonna wake up since it's been 3 days. I thou-"

" I'm awake now, I'm here." He smiles.

I sniffle." Yeah . You are."




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