The Monster (31)

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Chapter 31: Monster

~ Rebeccas POV ~

The Monster...

We all have a monster in our life that kills you. It haunts you in any kind of way. It knows your
problems and what makes you weak, it knows every single detail about you.

It makes you suffer.


Love is my monster.

Two months later...

I walk around the mall with my bodyguard Ryan looking through clothes and the regular. I got a body guard because things were becoming risky and Rose, Jaxons mom, helped me out.

Paparazzi still follow me and still ask me questions about Jaxon and why we broke up, if I'm still talking to him. I wish.

" Jaxon and I are no longer in contact since our seperation. It was a personal problem to why we stopped dating. I am not talking to anyone at this moment...I feel like he moved on and that's fine with me, he has his life... and I have mine." I tell the paparazzi who are taking pictures.

I walk into a store with Ryan by my side. He's helpful and like a friend, a really buff kinda tall hot friend.

But he's just my bodyguard, and friend.

" Thanks, Ryan." I smile.

" Anything for you, Rey." He says.

He calls me Rey, like my last name.

" How have you been? You've been kinda down." He ask.

I look at clothing as I walk around." I'm fine, Ryan. Why would you ask?" I ask still looking at clothing and not looking up at him.

" I hear you cry in your room sometimes. I know you don't like to talk about it but-"

I shush him." I'm fine, Ryan. Seriously.."

" I'm fine." I repeat one last time, in hopes to actually convince myself that I am.

We finally get home and Ryan puts down my bags on my kitchen counter. I got a new place, a bigger one. I got a new job something I never thought I would do....


I decided to start new and fresh so I took on something out of my comfort zone. An agency hit me up asking if I would like to take an offer.

It was a pretty big agency and after thinking about it for a long time I finally said yes. I get paid a lot more then when I worked at the cafe.

So I decided to use the money to get myself a house. Ryan also lives with me because like I said Paparazzi are still going crazy especially since now im modeling.

And I'm still going to college by the way.

Charlotte and Josh are still going at it and there happy as they can be. Heath is also still in town and me and him are still close, so is his girlfriend, their still together.

Jaxon on the other hand is going back to his man whore days. Magazines with his face on them are everywhere. He also started modeling and also started clubbing alot.

" Ryan, I have a shoot in an hour today. I'll go by myself, I'll call you if I need you."

" Rey, I think I-"

" No, Ryan. I'll go by myself. You stay and relax you've helped me a lot already." I stop him from getting up from the couch.

He pouts but I ignore it and grab my sunglass, purse and head out the door.




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