Anything For You Baby(16)

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Chapter 16: Anything For You Baby

~ Rebeccas POV~

I take a step forward and slide my hand into Jaxons. We inlaced our fingers and I could feel Sata- *errr* Sarah glaring at our hands together.

" I not a billionaire but..." I look at Jaxon.

" At least I have someone." I smirk, knowing that her head is about to explode.

She continues to glare at me and I gave her a smile. We walk away and enter the banquet hall where all the tables are.

Jaxon walks me all the way to the front where I see Jaxons mom, Rose, and other people chatting. We get closer and Rose turns around and smiles when she sees me.

" Rebecca! So nice to see you darling, you look stunning." She gets up with a smile and hugs me.

" Same to you Rose, long time no see." I hug back.

The man in back of her stands up and walks towards me." So, you're the girl my son hasn't stop talking about?" He says.

That's Jaxons dad.

I turn around and see Jaxon blushing and I giggle. "Nice to meet you Mr Trey, my name is Rebecca." I shake his hand.

" Oh I know your name... You're all Jaxon talks about." He chuckles.

He looks just like Jaxon, except a few years older. He has the same dimple on one cheek like Jaxon. That dashing smile, now I know where he gets it from.

" You really have to embarrass me dad?" Jaxon glared at his dad, but he just laughed.

" Alright alright lets start with the event. If everyone could take their seats please."

We sit down on the table. Im next to Jaxon who is on Rose's left side. Rose is next to her husband looking like a happy married couple.

They pass around magazines with jewelry and expensive clothing for people to bid on. My eyes lock down into a necklace with a big diamond in the middle.

I read the price and my eyes widen.


" Do you want it?" I hear Jaxon say.

" It cost so much." I shake my head, it feels like I'm mostly saying it to myself.

" I'll get it for you, no worries ." He says nonchalantly.

" No Jaxon, that's alot of money for just a necklace." I argue back.

" But that necklace is going to you..."

" You're not getting it Jaxon, don't even think about it." I whisper into his ear.

He stays silent and I sink back into my seat knowing I succeeded.

" The bidding will start right now. First we will start with the cruise to the Caribbean." said the bidder.

A few items later it finally comes down to the diamond necklace. For some really I want to know who gets it. I want the necklace but I can't take something so expensive. I could pay rent for a few months with all that money.

" Next is the diamond neclace that starts at $5,300."

People started bidding on it until it went up to $8,000 and people started dropping out one by one. Until only one person was left. It was a guy with blue eyes sitting next to..




" Last call for the diamond necklace at $8,000."

" $10,000!" screamed someone close to me.

I turned to my left and saw Jaxon standing up. I see Rose smiling and Mr.Trey nodding his head in approval somehow. I tugged on his suit trying to get his attention which he ignored.

" Jaxon you don't have to do this." I whisper.

" $10,500." Said the guy with Sarah.

People started looking around in a bit of shock since the necklace getting prices for so such. I don't know why they're in shock since basically everyone in here can afford ten necklaces and they'll still have a millions of dollars left over.

" $11,000." Jaxon yelled.




I could see Sarah smirking in the back feeling satisfied. I rolled my eyes and Jaxon keeped going up to $60,000.

This is fucking crazy.

People at the event started paying attention more and more as the prices started rising for and more.

" $90,000!" The guy yelled getting fustrated and Sarah getting more and more angry by the minute. She clearly didn't want the necklace, she probably owned a ton of diamond items. She just wanted to show off.

" $300,000 , in cash." Jaxon finished.

Everyone gasped in the room making chatter as some people clapped and some in shock. Jaxons parents smiled as if they were happy for him. The guys sighed sat down and Sarah huffed in rage. I think I saw smoke coming out of her ears for a second. She ran out of the room and the guy stayed sitting down not caring.

" Andddd Jaxon Trey wins!" The bidder shouts.

Everyone claps and Jaxon sits down as I stare at him still in shock. He looks at me and pulls me into a kiss and whispers....

" Anything for you baby."


- hehe if anyone thought Rebecca slapped Sarah... well she didn't lol/ ilysm <3


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