Winter Just Wasn't My Season.

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"Sara are you sure you're alright!??"

I turned my head towards where I thought she was but my senses were a little fogged and I couldn't tell which direction I heard her voice call from. 


Jessie had already gotten up. 

Crap, did she watch me try to reason with myself just now? Shit. Let's hope not.


"Huh? Oh, uh. Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. It was just a weird dream and I still feel like I'm half asleep"

Jessie smiled and I swear she rolled her eyes a little bit.

"I'm here if you decide you want to talk about it. Dreams can be crazy sometimes."

"Thanks." How would I even begin to describe this to her... what if I..? No. Sara, stop it.

"Hey, what time is it..?" I manage to mumble

"Two a.m."

"Oh.. okay uh-"

Jessie was gathering her belongings, "Yeah. Don't worry I'm headed out"  

"No! no, I was going to say I'll retire to my bed and you can have the couch to yourself. I don't want you traveling alone this late in the city and I really didn't intend to fall asleep" 

We both smiled. Her eyes lit up and I could tell she felt comforted with the fact that I offered.

"Sara, I'll just call an Uber"

"Stay! I insist. It's really no big deal, honest." 

At that point, I had gotten up and we were standing there, facing each other. Both more awake than moments before. I remember my heart beating fast to the point I could hear it in my head. I wanted her to stay, but was I stupid for "insisting". How creepy does that sound? Oh shit. 

Well, she's not moving to put her coat on? Why is she just looking at me..? Can she hear my heart too..? lol, no Sara that's silly? 

Oh, shit...

- - -

Actually,  before I continue telling you this story I should add a little background info.

I'm fairly new to the "greatest city in the world" but I've learned many things in my short time here. Most of which were about myself. See, life can be funny sometimes and we end up in situations we don't expect to be in. Possibly situations that include feelings you don't expect to be feeling. This was one of those situations.

Does she stay? Well, I'll get to that. For now, just know after that night, things seemed to be different. 

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