01 « surprise

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"Close your eyes."

Namjoon's deep voice saturates the air, soft against his boyfriend's skin, and Jin can't help shiver as he obeys. Jin hooks his arm around the other boy, allowing him to guide him through the house.

"Now, I'm not the best chef in the world," Namjoon reminds his boyfriend for the billionth time, guiding him towards the dining room, "I'm nothing like you when it comes to cooking... so, this might not have turned out the way I wanted. I think it still looks good, though."

Namjoon stops walking, smiling to himself. He can't help take a moment to gaze at the older boy, nose scrunched up adorably as his eyelashes flicker in curiosity.


"Oh my god," Jin exhales, his grin growing the moment he sees the display Namjoon's set out for them; the end of his sentence filled with an amazed sort of chuckle. "Namjoon... I..."

Namjoon watches Jin's face with a tiny, adoring smile of his own. He'd looked up the recipe online to try and make some of Jin's favorite dishes. Namjoon has never attempted to cook them, because Jin usually refuses to let anyone but himself in the kitchen.

Namjoon isn't old fashioned, and begs his boyfriend to accept his help, but to no prevail. The younger man doesn't complain too much, though, because no sight is cuter than Kim Seokjin in a pink apron, tongue stuck out in concentration as he cooks.

But on this occasion, Namjoon wanted to change that. He couldn't stop reminding the elder that no, he was not a good cook. Never had been. But he wanted to at least try.

On the plates, there were already appetizers he'd just pulled from the oven, not too long before Jin got home from work: mini cornbread crab cakes, with lemon-caper sauce. He'd tried to be fancy like those professionals on the cooking shows, and make the plates look as aesthetically pleasing as possible. He's not sure whether he actually did a good job of that or not, but from an amateur's perspective he thinks he did all right.

He bought a new silk tablecloth - just for the occasion -  and some of the nicest red and white candles he could find. In the oven, ready to serve but being kept warm, is the main course – stuffed leg of lamb with balsamic-fig-basil sauce – for whenever they're ready to have it.

Jin's still awing over the table, but when he steps forward and goes to sit down, Namjoon quickly says, "Wait, hold on," and pulls Jin's chair out for him. Regarding him with amusement, Jin exhales another little chuckle like he just can't believe how corny and sweet Namjoon's being right now.

He bites his bottom lip, gives Namjoon his shy little smile, and murmurs, "Thank you," before sitting down. Namjoon goes to leave the room and Jin calls after him, "Aren't you gonna sit down, too?"

"Just make yourself comfortable and gimme one second," Namjoon replies, heading into the kitchen. As he starts to come back out, he says, "Don't turn around, okay?"

"Okaaaay," Jin answers, sounding more and more amused.

Namjoon carefully pulls a singular rose from the bouquet and then softly instructs, "Close your eyes."


"Are they closed?"

"They're closed," Jin laughs. "What're you doin'?"

Namjoon smiles to himself and walks up behind Jin. Gripping the rose near the top of the stem, he brushes it slowly across the back of Jin's neck. Immediately, Jin gives a tiny jolt and then shivers, exhaling a soft breath. Namjoon does it again, purposely making the feather-like touch even gentler this time, and Jin lets his head fall forward a little. Leaning in, Namjoon swipes the tips of the petals beneath Jin's hairline, then replaces it with his lips, kissing him once.

Feeling Namjoon there now, Jin moans quietly and lifts his hand to palm the back of Namjoon's head. Turning, eyes closed, he clumsily finds Namjoon's mouth and kisses him, deep and long; "I missed you," Jin breathes.

"I missed you too," Namjoon replies against his lips. They open their eyes to look at each other, and at that moment, Namjoon leans away a bit so he can lift the bouquet of flowers and Jin can see them.

The smile Jin gets is so big and brilliant that it gets him chuckling, eyes crinkling in that way Namjoon loves so much. "Oh my god," he giggles again; taking the roses and cradling them close while he inhales their scent. He's reacting like he can't believe Namjoon's still showering him with surprises.

The best part is that this isn't even the tip of the iceberg.

"Here, let's put them in some water," Namjoon says. Jin thanks him over and over for the dinner and flowers. Namjoon just gives him an unassuming smile each time, and reminds him that the night isn't over yet.

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