11 « sunshine

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"Rise and shine."

Bright light floods into the room and splashes against the walls, dangerously lapping against the plaster. A deep groan explodes and saturates the crisp morning air.

"Fuck you, Namjoon."

Namjoon hums happily, moving away from the curtains to kick the side of the bed. Seokjin rolls over, turning away from his boyfriend stubbornly. The large smile gracing Namjoon's lips only multiplies, serving no other purpose than to add to the excruciating brightness that already stabs at Seokjin's eyelids.

Namjoon walks around the bed and towers over Seokjin, hands in a cross over his chest, "Get the hell up."

A soft grunt in the shape of a smile, "That's not how you speak to royalty."

Namjoon chuckles under his breath, gazing down at his boyfriend. Seokjin's hair is an utter mess, and his milky skin is peppered with hickeys and markings; sanguine crescent moons the size of finger tips and dotted lines as wide as his mouth. He looks fucking delicious and Namjoon can feel his pulse race ten fold, "Hmm. Is that so, Princess?"

"Uh-huh..." His words are slurred and his morning voice isn't disappearing, so Namjoon decides to take drastic measures; the taller man clambers across the mattress until he is hovering over his boyfriend. With deliberate force, he flops down beside the other male.

He spends almost ten minutes gently trying to coax Seokjin awake with his most sickly sweet voice, but the older boy keeps protesting, wanting instead to shut back off and lure him once more into warm, relaxing slumber.

Namjoon keeps Seokjin wrapped up against him, the older man's face hiding away against the soothing pulse tapping beneath the milky skin of Namjoon's neck.

All the while, the tips of his fingers drag back and forth along the length of Seokjin's spine, pebbling his skin with a light coating of goosebumps. It feels so good whenever Namjoon does that that it only makes Seokjin want to wake up even less.

Namjoon's insistence to deny him more sleep grows annoying pretty fast. He wants to snap at Namjoon to knock it off, like he had about the curtains; just five more fucking minutes, but he knows that would not halt his boyfriend's insistency.

Fatigue still has his brain all fuzzy, cutting off all feeling in his body from the neck down. It's still heavy and somehow made of air at the same time, and the mattress is so soft, and he's just so fucking comfy...

Namjoon's lips find their way to the thin stretch of skin just below his jaw. In between kisses, he hovers just above the shell of Seokjin's ear and whispers again, "Jin... It's time to get up, Princess..."

"You're so annoying," Seokjin swats at his boyfriend, earning a chuckle from the blonde. Despite the older mans half hearted attempts to rid him, Namjoon persists, planting the tiniest little kisses all around Seokjin's face and neck.

Eventually, Namjoon resorts to one of his boyfriends biggest weaknesses. Just below the mans ear, he begins to nip at the skin, before grazing his tongue back over the blemish in the smallest of kitten licks. Seokjin's body will tense just the tiniest bit at the bites and then melt, become liquid gold trickling through Namjoon's fingers at every single lick.

Soon enough, the heat radiating from Seokjin's extremities is extremely noticeable as he sifts beneath Namjoon. The blonde man grins in accomplishment before pulling away from Seokjin, emerging from the covers and planting his feet back on the carpeted floor. Without looking back, he departs the room and makes for the stairs. Namjoon doesn't fail to hear a whispered curse and a desperate rustling of bed sheets behind him.

Wincing slightly at the cold tiles of the kitchen, Namjoon turns to the light switch and flips it on. He studies the rooms; they are tidier than he expected them to be. He stalks over to the living room where he pulls the curtains open. He's about to go and turn on the coffee machine when hurried feet come down the stairs and a slightly disheveled looking Seokjin emerges into the kitchen. He's now wearing boxers as apposed to being nude and Namjoon can't help feel a slight pang of disappointment flood his chest because what in this world is a more magnificent view than his Princess's body?

"That was so unfair," Seokjin grumbles sleepily. If he was slightly more awake he'd perhaps snap at his boyfriend and demand for better treatment because seriously how could you leave me like that, but instead he just hums in mock anger and walks towards Namjoom.

The taller of the two plants that morning's billionth kiss on Seokjin's forehead. Seokjin can practically hear the smile laced around his voice when Namjoon whispers, "I'm sorry, Princess," against his hairline.

The older boy can't help smile at that, finding Namjoon's hand and holding onto it possessively. Namjoon's lips nuzzle against his boyfriends hair, "Let me make it up to you over breakfast, my princess."

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