04 « denial

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He lets Jin lead the way – who practically runs upstairs – so he can grab one of the roses from the bouquet and bring it up to his bedroom with him. Jin's waiting impatiently and tries to nearly tackle Namjoon when the older man walks into the room, but Namjoon only lets Jin kiss him for a few seconds before he's palming his shoulders and gently pushing him away.

"Get on the bed," Namjoon instructs him. "Take off your clothes, slowly. Let me watch you. Okay?"

"Yes, Oppa..."

Crawling onto the bed, Jin straightens up onto his knees and starts by pulling the rest of his dress shirt from the waistline of his pants. Looking up at Namjoon from beneath his long lashes, he lifts his hands to the collar and starts popping open each button on his shirt. He's a good boy, so he follows the rules and sticks to a slow pace, despite how badly his hands are shaking from trying to contain himself. Namjoon sets the lone rose down onto his dresser and then leans against it so he can enjoy the show.

It's in the way Jin moves; knows how to twist and display his body in all the right ways... Capable of retaining the right amount of control, even during these circumstances. When all of the buttons are undone, he arches his back and slowly drags the shirt from his shoulders... Off his back... Down his arms. Staying silent – lips swollen from kissing, and eyes darkened with arousal, and each exhale coming out shallower and shallower – Jin holds out his arm over the edge of the bed and drops the shirt to the floor, his eyes still on Namjoon the entire time.

Namjoon's working hard to keep his exterior controlled, but he's breathing heavier too, and the way he's looking at Jin like he wants to devour him only fuels Jin's movements. It's about the only time all evening that Namjoon will let Jin take some control over the situation and be a tease, because he's enjoying the sight far too much to stop him. The way Jin's cock looks when Jin coyly lowers his clothes enough to let it come bobbing out makes Namjoon feel lightheaded. When Jin slowly shuffles around so he can slide his pants and underwear down his ass and then bend forward so it's arching up into the air for Namjoon's pleasure gets Namjoon salivating.

Jin gets down to nothing but his socks. Sprawled on his back, he glances down as he peels them off and then lazily tosses them to the floor. Finally completely naked, he bites his lip and drags his gaze back up to Namjoon, purposely arching his back while he shifts on the mattress; elongating his perfect, lean limbs and letting Namjoon watch the way the his stomach stretches and flexes with every movement.

Now Namjoon's mouth feels bone dry.

"You. Are so beautiful..." Namjoon tells him, approaching the bed. Jin smiles shyly – his cock twitching from the praise, looking so neglected and in need of Namjoon's mouth – and sits up. Rising back onto his knees, he reaches out when Namjoon gets to the side of the mattress. Hands resting on Namjoon's hips, Namjoon cradles Jin's head and kisses him. Against his lips, Jin sighs happily.

"Undress me," Namjoon mutters, and Jin nods. Namjoon watches his face attentively while Jin carefully works Namjoon's tie loose, slipping it off before opening Namjoon's shirt and working it off Namjoon's arms. Namjoon takes over after Jin gets his belt out of its buckle, finishing the job until he's just as naked as Jin is.

Jin seems to assume that this means the waiting is over. The moment Namjoon finishes toeing off his socks and re-meeting his eyes, he's making to wrap his arms around Namjoon's neck and pull him onto the bed. To his surprise, Namjoon presses his hand flush to Jin's chest and resists.

"Lie down," he orders, voice tender.

Not needing to be told twice, Jin doesn't even blink as he quickly lowers himself and sprawls out on his back. Namjoon crawls over him and licks a line from Jin's navel up to his nipples. Pausing to close his lips over one and suck on it lightly, he exhales a rush of hot air against Jin's skin when the brunet whimpers and fists his hands into Namjoon's hair. Pulling away, Namjoon stares up at Jin with a dark expression and asks, "I'm gonna tell you what I wanna try, and if you don't want to do it, just tell me and we won't do it, okay?"

Now Jin looks about twice as turned on, but also a little confused. Nevertheless, he nods. "Okay."

Namjoon starts kissing up Jin's chest, "You said you wanted to try orgasm denial-"

"Oh, fuck," Jin moans, instantly sounding like he understands where this is heading. He also sounds a tiny but unprepared, in the best way possible, and feverish. Perhaps he never actually expected Namjoon to take him up on that offer.

Namjoon smirks against Jin's left collar before pinching the skin between his teeth. Jin whimpers. "I wanna bring you to the brink, over and over – 'till you can't stand it anymore and you're begging me to let you come," Namjoon growls. Jin's rolling his hips up into the air between them, trying and failing to get some form of friction, while pawing uselessly at Namjoon's back. Nails drag across his skin, and Namjoon inhales through his teeth at the dull, addictive pain.

Licking a flat stripe up Jin's neck, Namjoon brings his lips to Jin's ear and hisses, "And I'm not gonna let you. It's gonna start to hurt, and I'm still not gonna stop, Jinnie. You'll beg and plead and try to change my mind, but unless you say the word, I'm not giving you what you want until I say you're ready. I could drag this out all night for all you know..."

Jin's only reaction is to have fallen into a fit of needy moans and whines. Namjoon glances quickly to his face and then covers Jin's throat with his hand. Pressing down enough to get Jin's attention, Jin's jaw drops and he's immediately meeting Namjoon's eyes. Jin's eyes are like marbles; only a little focus left in them already. Namjoon's riding his own high; floating on the adrenaline coursing through his veins, and the blissful satisfaction of his promise to make Jin feel so, so sweet.

"You might even hate me at times; be dying to come so badly that you can't even think anymore," he warns him. "Every time I say no, it'll be because it's what you need. I know what you need, sweetheart. When you finally come, it'll be the greatest you've ever felt – I promise you. Do you trust me, Jinnie? That I know what's best for your body?"

"Yes," Jin exhales without pause, enthralled and entranced and looking up at Namjoon like Namjoon was god himself.

"You want it?" Namjoon asks, his entire body buzzing to life at the permission – but needing to make sure.

Jin's so desperate for it that he can't seem to string together a sentence longer than, "Yeah, gimme, want it. Do it, please, gimme it..."

Exhaling loudly, Namjoon crushes their lips together, Jin making shaky noises into his mouth and digging his nails into Namjoon's back with even more fervor than before. It feels like Jin might be breaking the skin. Namjoon hopes so. He wants to be able to look into the mirror tomorrow and see scratch marks down his entire fucking back. He wants to be reminded of this moment forever.

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