06 « too eager

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"Thank you, thank you, Oppa,"

Jin says in a rush of air, and does as he's told. It takes a minute or so for Namjoon to figure out how to properly secure the restraint to his bed frame, but once he figures it out, it's actually very simple. Jin's already assuming the proper position, and when Namjoon lovingly teases, "Someone a little eager?" Jin just grinds his cock against the bed as his response and groans, half of his face hidden against the pillow.

Namjoon swats his ass lightly and tells him not to do that again. Jin just grunts and mutters a half- hearted apology. Honestly, he's so wound up right now that something as simple as humping the bed for a second too long could result in him finishing before Namjoon could stop him.

Making sure the restraints are tight but not too tight around Jin's wrists and ankles, he finishes binding him and then steps away to assess his good work. The sight of Jin spread out across his bed like that – all exposed, smooth skin and his fucking perfect ass right there for Namjoon to take – could make Namjoon cry in thankfulness to every single God.

After checking in and getting verbal confirmation that Jin's comfy and still feeling okay with his bonds, Namjoon drags out a few minutes of doing nothing but nosing along the curves of Jin's body... Painting him all over with invisible stamps that'd take on the shape of Namjoon's lips if they could leave their trace...

"Feeling good, Jinnie?" Namjoon murmurs into Jin's hair, now kissing along the back of his neck.

"Mm... yeah..." Jin whispers back. "Good. Let me know when you're ready."

"I'm ready," Jin immediately insists, eyes falling closed as he nods into the pillow. Namjoon can't help but smile to himself. Chances are, Jin won't be singing the same tune within the hour – probably not even that long.

He gets off the bed and picks up the rose. He starts off gentle, soothing... Does nothing more than drag the soft head of the rose across Jin's skin; the very tips of the petals kissing flesh and making Jin sigh and smile and break out into goosebumps. Sometimes, Namjoon will bend down and kiss Jin's shoulder, or lick a small line up his spine, or – when he's on the side of the bed where he can see his boyfriend's face – kiss his lips, just to remind Jin that he's safe even though Jin doesn't need the reassurance.

Namjoon tells him things... Traces the back of Jin's knees with the tip of the rose and tells him how perfect he is, how lucky Namjoon is to have him... Leaves no inch of him that can be touched, untouched... His ankles, the soles of his feet... Namjoon draws nonsensical designs all over Jin's body with the scarlet petals and tells Jin how much he loves him. He tells Jin that he's such a good, thoughtful, obedient boy, and Namjoon thanks him for letting him touch his body this way.

When he gingerly runs the rose down the side of Jin's face, Jin stares up at him with so much emotion – so much want – in his eyes that the air around them could start crackling if they weren't careful. Namjoon brushes the petals across Jin's plush little mouth.

"You're so beautiful," Namjoon says emphatically, withdrawing the flower so he can run his fingers into Jin's hair and see more of his face. "One day, I'm gonna show you what you look like through my eyes."

Leaning down, he kisses the corner of Jin's mouth, whispers "I love you" into Jin's ear.

Jin's lips part, eyes shutting as he moans. "Please," he exhales. Uncontrollably, he starts rocking his hips down against the mattress again.

Namjoon glances down and watches as Jin's lower back rolls up and down, as if to fuck himself straight into the bed. Tsking under his breath, he straightens and crosses around the bed. "I thought I told you not to do that," he says with little inflection in his voice. It makes Jin that much more unprepared when Namjoon takes a knee and leans onto the bed between Jin's spread legs and slaps his hand off of Jin's right ass cheek.

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