13 « hot

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Mid-June in Seoul is the time of tropical heat waves, humid afternoons, and the soulful melodies of cicadas.

Heat kisses Namjoon and Jin's red faces, and coils protectively around their limbs. The pavement smoulders pleasantly, and sends up a sweet haze to their eyes. Even the birds are hushed, and the grass stands still as if too sleepy to move.

"Joonie, Jinnie!" A sunny voice swims through the humid air, as excited feet race towards the two men, pounding along the sidewalk.

"Hey, Jiminie." Jin smiles, accepting a hug from the shorter boy. Hoseok follows Jimin closely behind, smiling warmly at both men.

"Sorry we kept you waiting so long, it's on me." Namjoon admits through a nervous smile.

Hoseok waves his hand dismissively, a handsome grin finding home on his lips, "It's fine, we went for some ice cream whilst waiting. This absolute baby-" He gestures to Jimin, "-Couldn't stop complaining about being too hot."

The boy perks up and grins innocently in reply. Hoseok can't seem to refrain from turning and planting a small kiss on Jimin's hairline, leaving the younger boy's cheeks even redder than the heat had made him.

Upon walking through the heavy wooden door, strong gusts of air-con lick at the boys' bodies; the welcoming scent of coffee, cinnamon spice, chocolate and mint float through the air, wafted by the full powered air-conditioning.

The four boys spread out around a single booth; The sun has heated the chairs to a perfect degree, and they sink down, utterly thankful to be off their feet.

After all four men have flicked through the menu, Seokjin raises his hand slightly, as to catch the attention of the waitress. She walks over, pink cheeks and sunny smile, with a pen and pad in hand. She wears the mandatory black uniform, adorned with a white sticker with the name 'Areum ♡' scrawled across it. Areum is pretty, and seems to be irritated by the heat, but dismisses it in a warm grin as she asks, "What can I get for you?"

Namjoon is the first to speak, looking around the other three men that are still looking at their menus. He, therefore, perks up first, "Could I have a... An earl grey tea, and some vanilla icecream, please?"

She nods, scribbling down his order, before taking the orders of the other three boys, and scuttling away.

As Namjoon taps his foot and looks around the cafe, his gaze falls on Jimin, and he breaks the silence, "That's a pretty shirt, Jiminie."

The youngest smiles, "Thankyou, hyung! Hoseok said the lace makes me look sexy. He made me call him Oppa the other night, whilst wearing this."

Hoseok's eye open wide as he visibly pales, but Namjoon just laughs, joined by Jin's melodious giggle. He can see Hoseok glare at Jimin, but the sound of Jin's laugh catches all of Namjoon's attention, and he can feel his heart warm at the sound of it.

Namjoon's focus suddenly drops away from Jimin, and instead to Seokjin's lips, bent into a heart shaped smile. Now, Namjoon is letting his mind wonder for the thousandth time today alone; if, perhaps, Seokjin will wash over his tongue like earl grey tea, or settle like welcoming rain drops against his skin.

Namjoon's bottom lip disappears between his teeth as his gaze soaks in the older man sat next to him. Namjoon is a very visual man, likes to watch instead of taking part, for the most part. He could sit patiently and let his gaze flicker over the delicious sight of Kim Seokjin for hours; watch him do anything, right from giggling in a cafe booth, up to being bent double and touching himself, knees buckling and thighs trembling as he bites into the covers, never once to be shown any mercy that Namjoon's own touch brings.

Seokjin can beg, scream, barter with his life, but Namjoon never, ever gives the older man a shed of mercy, or release, on nights when-

"Namjoon?" Seokjin laughs. He waves a hand in front of Namjoon's face, with the aim of breaking off the taller mans train of thought.

Namjoon can hardly help his mind racing all over the place, not when Kim Seokjin, his princess, is his property. But he smiles at Seokjin, breaking from his trance and placing a hand on Jin's exposed thigh, giving the soft skin a squeeze before continuing on with the conversation that has been struck up between the men.

an// it honestly felt like I was writing Jimin in little space

I'm sort of thinking Jin is like 28,
Hobi and Joon are about 26,
whilst Jimin is around 22?

Bathroom sex coming soon!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2017 ⏰

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