05 « naughty

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"I got you some stuff," Namjoon decides to tell him after finally ending the kiss. Jin opens his glassy eyes and gives him an inquisitive look, so Namjoon grins and asks, "You wanna see?" Jin nods, making Namjoon's grin expand. Giving him another rough kiss, Namjoon pushes himself up and gets off the bed. Going into his walk-in closet, he retrieves the bag with all the toys he'd bought. He's already taken everything out of its packaging, so they'd be accessible whenever the time was right. Making sure to take out the chocker and quickly hide it on one of the top shelves in there, he walks out with everything else and closes the door behind him.

Jin's eyes widen with anticipation when they take in the bag, and the boy's probably wondering what the hell Namjoon has in store for him. He starts licking his lips and writhing his back off and on the mattress the closer Namjoon gets.

"When'd you get 'em?" he asks, voice hoarse.

Namjoon climbs back onto the bed, staying on his knees so he can tower over the brunet. "Yesterday, when you were working late," he answers. "I wanted it to be a surprise, otherwise I would've told you. If you don't like any of them, that's okay – just tell me. I can always run back out sometime and pick up some more stuff."

"I wanna see," Jin says, starting to push himself up onto his hands; trying to peek into the bag. "Lemme see." But Namjoon lays his hand into Jin's chest and lightly shoves him back against the bed.

"You wanna see, Princess?"


"Alright." Using both hands to spread the opening of the bag wider, he keeps it from Jin's line of sight and looks down into it. "Hmm, what should I show you first? I got us a few different things..."

"Namjoon," Jin whines impatiently.

"Lay still," Namjoon tuts in response.

Jin bites his lip with an exasperated huff, but he forces his head to fall back against the pillow, even though he won't take his eyes off of the bag. Namjoon arches a mischievous brow and reaches in, feeling with his fingers. He pulls out the tape first. Jin's face busts out into a spacey grin the second he sees it.

"Was thinking of using this on you tonight, but I want you to have use of your hands at a moment's notice, so my tie will have to do for now," Namjoon says. Holding it up and turning it from side to side, he adds, "But I read that this stuff doesn't stick to your skin; only the tape itself. So it's supposed to be really comfortable."

Dropping it back into the bag, he starts pulling out all the items one by one. Not a single one garners a negative reaction from Jin.

"Are you gonna use that on me tonight?" he asks longingly when Namjoon smirks and holds up the cock ring.

"I thought about it," Namjoon admits. "But I'll only use it if I have to. I wanna know that I can trust you to listen to me and be good without it. You gonna be good without it, or am I gonna have to give you no choice?"

Jin's running his hands up and down his abdomen now; eyes still glued to the ring. "I'll be good," he promises, but he doesn't sound completely convinced. But, there's conviction there – somehow it's even hotter that Jin isn't entirely sure if he will be able to be obedient, but Jin wants to prove that he still can be.

Namjoon almost fucks Jin with the vibrator. It's only by the skin of his teeth that he's able to control himself. Because when Jin sees it and Namjoon turns it on to show him the settings, Jin pretty much purrs, dick jumping against his belly and starting to look so fucking wet with precome. Namjoon tells him to keep still, and keeps it on its lowest setting while he drags the tip of the toy up Jin's legs, around his belly, over his chest...

When it follows up the length of his neck, Jin closes his eyes and arches his head back, exposing more of his throat for Namjoon's consideration. The moment where Namjoon almost says fuck it is when Jin suddenly drops his head back down and parts his lips, tongue poking out and licking up the full length of the vibrator. His eyes re-open just a sliver at the very end, and he stares up at Namjoon with the top of his tongue still pressed to the thrumming toy – and they both know that Jin might as well be saying, Wish this was your cock, Oppa.

So Namjoon has to turn it off and quickly shove it back into the bag. And he wants to take his time with these things; devote whole nights to just trying one or two out at a time, so they can savor it and Jin can experience the full effect of what each toy can do; the pleasure it can give him when used right. Jin totally knows that he just got under Namjoon's skin, too. The triumphant little sneer on his face says it all.

Mind you, then Namjoon pulls out the remaining item – the bedpost restraints – and Jin practically loses his mind.

"I remembered what you told me about bondage, and it not being too much," Namjoon says. He watches as Jin's chest rises and falls quicker now, heart thumping from the thrill of its promise. His gaze follows whichever way Namjoon moves them, as if hypnotized. Namjoon never could've guessed that the idea of bondage – the kind within Jin's comfort levels – would be one of those kinks that evokes such a strong physical reaction out of Jin. It just makes Namjoon even more pleased with himself that he was bang-on with all of his purchases.

For this one – and only this one – he lets Jin hold them to get a closer look. "If these are more than you'd be comfortable with, we don't have to try 'em," he clarifies. "I just wasn't sure where to start." He's surprised when Jin brings the leather cuff of one of the restraints to his mouth and bites down on it, just to see if it leaves teeth marks in his wake.

"I don't think you'll be able to reach those with your mouth once you're tied up in them," Namjoon points out. There are faint teeth marks left behind though, and it's hot as sin – suddenly makes Namjoon picture Jin actually having something between his teeth to bite down on while Namjoon fucked him.

"Please put me in these, Oppa," Jin says, trying to sit up again. Namjoon pushes him back down. Jin makes a frustrated sound and then sticks up his wrists, offering them to Namjoon for Namjoon to do as he likes with him. "Can we try them? Please? I wanna try them."

Namjoon takes them from Jin and considers it, staring at them intently. There's so much hope in Jin's tone, and that's exactly what Namjoon wanted, wasn't it? For Jin to want Namjoon's gifts so badly that he would practically drool over the chance to take them for a test drive? Smiling softly, he nods.

"Turn over."

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