12 « late

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"You get me out of bed early, yet you're the one that's got us running late!"

"Shh, baby, you're always so stressed. It's fine! Come here, baby."

"We don't have time to hug, Joonie! Hoseok literally just texted me saying they're there. Just now. Look."

A phone screen is gestured to Namjoon's face, but he simply chuckles, pulling on his clothes at his own rate. His boyfriend stands by the door, foot tapping in impatience as he frantically texts a reply.

After Jin writhing around and complaining for what felt like upwards of an hour, both boys finally exit the house and slump into the car, Jin huffing and mumbling as he buckles himself in.

"Baby, Hobi isn't going to care if we're late. It's just a drink. You need to relax, sunshine." Namjoon soothes, a particularly masculine hand finding home on a particularly feminine thigh, squeezing gently.

Seokjin closes his eyes and exhales, nodding as he starts up the ignition. Namjoon smiles down at Seokjin's keys as chime against one another, silver chain adorned delicately in a worn out miniature Mario figurine, and a pink fuzzy pompom.

Namjoon's hand, of course, doesn't even contemplate the thought of leaving Jin's soft, exposed thigh for the entire journey.

an/// I'm so sorry this is basically a filler so you don't get confused when the boys r suddenly in a cafe,,. It's not wizardry,,, they r goin on a double date *cough* with my ult otp *cough*

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