08 « pleasure

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Little over an hour later, Namjoon's in the middle of mixing together the ingredients for the brownies when Jin pads into the kitchen. Namjoon hadn't heard him coming down the stairs over the TV playing in the living room, so when Jin rasps out, "Namjoon?" Namjoon almost jumps out of his skin.

Chuckling, he turns his head to look to Jin, about to ask him how his nap was. He gets as far as, "Hey sleepyhead--"

And then he forgets everything he was about to say.

Jin looks completely disoriented, and still not fully awake. His hair is sticking up all over the place from all the sweat that'd been carded into it earlier, and he's squinting like the light in the kitchen is too bright for him. Face twisted up, the corners of his eyes are teary again and his eyes keep darting around in front of him like he can't focus but he's trying to. Then suddenly, they close, and his bottom lip trembles as his mouth presses into an uneven line. Namjoon can hear him whimpering and sniffling.

It's not difficult to see why.

He's in nothing but his boxer briefs, and they're tented, and the fabric all around the tip is soaked through with precome.

"I... Please..." Jin repeats, unable to form a proper sentence. "Need... Please... please..." He flimsily gestures downward with his hand.

And for a brief moment, Namjoon's rooted to the spot, because he's never seen Jin look this vulnerable and deteriorated before and the first thought he has is that he took it too far. There's no doubt by Jin's appearance that his cock must be hurting badly. Namjoon's dragged him to the edge so many times that it's actually shocking right now to see him able to walk around and retain some control over himself, while the rest of him is tripping over his words and thoughts like this.

"Oh, my poor Princess. My beautiful Princess, look at you," he says, kissing across his face. Jin lifts his hands and rests them on Namjoon's hips, gripping him tightly.

"M'okay... Don't go... Stay with me... Don't go, need this, please, touch me, please, please let... me come, needta come..."

It doesn't matter how hard Namjoon worked himself and how intensely he came no more than an hour earlier, his pulse is immediately racing through his veins again, pumping heat everywhere. Swallowing hard, he nods and asks between more kisses, "You ready to come, baby?"

Jin moans loudly, filled with so much relief that Namjoon's immediately getting hard again in his own pants. "Yes, yes, please yes," Jin's chanting, almost to the point of shouting.

"You've been so good; I can't believe how fucking good you were tonight," Namjoon starts rambling.

Jin cries out like it's a miracle when Namjoon finally presses his hand to Jin's lower belly and slides it into his boxer briefs. His dick feels scalding to the touch. The head is so thoroughly soaked with precome that one touch gets Namjoon's entire palm slick.

"Do you know how beautiful you are? Hmm, Princess? God, you're so fucking hard, you really need this, don't you," Namjoon keeps talking, not knowing how to stop. He knows well enough to take it easy and keep his grip gentler than normal. Jin's too sensitive for anything more.

"Namjoon--" Jin whimpers anxiously, chest heaving and beginning to lose his breath as he's wracked with fresh sobs. He sounds unprepared, like he's about to come and he's not sure he can handle it. His legs are shaking so hard from trying to stay standing that the rest of him is thrumming, too.

"I know, I got you, beautiful," Namjoon replies. "You can do this, it's okay, I'm right here. Fuck, this is... Oh my god, so fucking hot... Come for me, Princess, I'm right here..."

"Namjoon... N-Namjoon!" Jin sobs.

"Let go for me – I know, I know it feels scary, it'll feel so good though, I promise." He fucks his fist over Jin a bit quicker and Jin shouts so loudly that Namjoon's ears start ringing. "Come for me, Princess, c'mon, let go, I know you want to--"

"Mm! A-Auh... Mm, mm, mm – oh fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Jin's wailing, tears streaming down his face so vehemently that they drip from his chin.

"That's it, Princess, let go," Namjoon pleads with him. "Come for Oppa."

Jin's mouth opens wide around a silent scream. Namjoon starts to feel his hand getting covered and then Jin's making a noise like he just got stabbed.

It sounds like it gets ripped from his lungs and catches him off guard. It all happens so quickly, but right as he finally starts to come, Jin's knees give out and he starts to fall into Namjoon. Reflexes fast, Namjoon snakes his arm around Jin's lower back and catches his weight against him; keeps him held up and keeps stroking him through it, while Jin buries his face into Namjoon's neck and cries and cries, and comes and comes...

Fuck, there's so much; feels like Jin's coming more than any regular person should even be able to, until Namjoon's whole hand is drenched in it and the entire front of his boxers are soaked through. He keeps Jin on his feet and groans here and there at the destroyed, but wholly grateful sounds Jin keeps exhaling against his neck.

He pulls his hand out when Jin tries to push against his arm, signalling that he can't take anymore. It's covered, but Jin's underwear is dirty anyways, so Namjoon clutches onto Jin's upper thigh and gives Jin the time he needs to come down from it; held against him and clinging to Namjoon, feeling so tiny in his arms.

"That's it... Shh, that's it..." Namjoon murmurs, kissing his hair. "Feel better?"

"Mmph," he hears, the sound muffled into his neck. He chuckles breathlessly, and to his delight Jin weakly laughs against him, too.

"You need me to bring you to the couch?"

Jin nods, so Namjoon bends his knees so he can scoop Jin up like the Princess he is, and carry him into the living room. Jin sinks into the cushions like dead weight, but now he's smiling, and Namjoon thinks – not for the first time – that he's never looked so beautiful.

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