09 « naked

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"I think you should be naked for the rest of the night." Namjoon whispers.

"Mm... Sounds good to me," Jin answers, still catching his breath.

Namjoon runs downstairs to dispose of Jin's underwear, making a mental note to do a load of laundry in the morning. Part of him expects to find Jin passed out again, but when he returns upstairs to pour him a glass of water, Jin's wide awake. Still boneless, though. It takes a laughable effort for him to raise his hand and make a grabby motion when he sees the water.

There are more than a few perks to having Jin's body on such accessible display for the rest of the evening. Namjoon doesn't leave his side at first; passes the time by coating him with adoring kisses and gushing about how incredible Jin was for him. Eventually, Jin's able to get some of his strength back, and he uses it to crawl over Namjoon so he can kiss him; straddling him and framing Namjoon to the couch with his long legs. Every time he surprises Namjoon by breathing out, "Thank you," Namjoon gets a little dizzier, and moans softly while Jin's tongue plays against his.

Having Jin naked means that Namjoon gets to give him his reward – which is essentially that Jin can now come whenever he wants, if he wants, since he spent all night being denied it. When they finally get around to eating the dessert Namjoon makes, Namjoon abandons his brownie after only a couple bites so he can kneel between Jin's legs and suck him off.

When he's doing the dishes and finally lets Jin help with drying them, all he needs to do is quickly come up behind the elder and grab Jin's ass.. He doesn't do that again though, since Jin gasps at the sudden intrusion and almost drops the plate in his hand. He does, however, let Jin put it away so he can grip onto the edge of the counter and pant into the air while Namjoon kisses across the back of his shoulders and gets his fingers back into him, nice and deep and steady and when Jin moans, "More," Namjoon gives it to him.

Jin was so tightly strung over the last couple days that his orgasm earlier – mind-blowing as it was – isn't the only one he needs to feel slaked. Over the course of the rest of the night, Namjoon's able to get him off four more times. Twice with his hands, once with his mouth, and another with Namjoon fucking into him on the couch. For the rest of the night, Namjoon never makes Jin work for it.

By the time they're settled back down and deciding to re-watch the end of the movie from earlier, Namjoon's entire back is raked down to his tailbone with scratch marks, just like he wanted. Every time he shifts, they burn, and Namjoon smiles. He's got three very dark hickies bloomed across his collar bones. Jin's got one on his peck, another on his inner right thigh, and an impressive set of teeth marks on his inner left. Namjoon thinks that all-in-all, the night was a success. Jin's happy, and on that basis alone, so is Namjoon.

They even get to finish the movie properly this time.


Jin's in the middle of brushing his teeth when Namjoon puts all the toys from earlier back into his closet. His eyes trail up to the smooth wooden box he'd stashed away up there, and he goes still. He can hear the water sloshing around in the sink, mixed with Jin occasionally spitting. Jin's completely back to his normal self, and he sounds as such when Namjoon hears him chuckle, clear and bright and warm like Coney Island on a summer's day.

"Man, you really did a number on my chest, Joonie... Are you even still up here, or am I talkin' to myself?"

Jin's turning off the water and dropping his back into the holder when Namjoon walks into the door frame. He's got his right hand casually behind his back. Leaning against the frame. He takes in Jin's reflection and smiles at him fondly. Jin wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and grins the second he sees him.

"So you are still up here," he teases, still meeting Namjoon's eyes through his reflection. "I thought you'd gone back downstairs or somethin'." He chuckles when Namjoon just continues to stare at him lovingly, with that same warm smile, and asks, "What?"

Namjoon straightens and gives him a tiny nod. "Close your eyes," he says.

"Whyyyyyy?" Jin says in a singsong manor, drawing out the word playfully and narrowing his deep brown eyes with mock suspicion.

"Just trust me, close your eyes. You'll like it."

At least, he hopes so...

Jin pretends to sigh over-dramatically with a roll of his eyes. "Fine," he says, closing them. "So overdramatic, swear to god, everything's a song and dance with ya," he keeps talking, teasing Namjoon as – unbeknownst to him – the blond opens up the box and pulls out the gift inside. Jin keeps talking; makes some joke about how if Namjoon's big plan is to bend him over the counter, he didn't need Jin's eyes shut for that, 'I would'a just said yes--'

But then Namjoon reaches around him and frames the chocker around his throat. The moment it touches Jin's Adam's apple, the words freeze mid-sentence and Jin stills with a quick inhale. Namjoon's heart feels like it's throwing itself against his ribcage, he's so nervous. He just wants Jin to like it. He hopes he wasn't being presumptuous in assuming that Jin was actually serious about wanting one.

Once he's fastened it at the back, he rests his hands on Jin's shoulders and leans in. The back of Jin's neck now has the crisp, biting smell of leather hugging his skin. Namjoon's cheeks flush at the sight – that smell – and he presses his lips to the stretch of his nape just above where the collar's sitting. Jin's lips part with a tiny gasp, and Namjoon peers to their reflections to see that Jin still has his eyes closed.

He's also completely naked, save for the collar... and Namjoon was right. The contrast of jet black against Jin's sun-kissed skin tone is like nothing he's ever seen before. The hue of the chocker also brightens that splash of purplish-blue, right above Jin's heart, where Namjoon had branded him earlier. It's like Jin wearing the chocker somehow makes that hickey stand out more – a statement, a reminder: no one else gets to have him like this but Namjoon.

Fuck... He could've never prepared himself for how Jin would look like this. His body is a canvas; the most extraordinary artwork Namjoon's ever beheld.

Namjoon never wants to stop. He wants to love Jin forever; wake up each and every day with the goal that today, today will be the day I get it perfect. Today's the day Jin will finally understand how he looks through my eyes.

But he knows he'll never be able to do it justice. No matter how hard he tries and how close he gets, he'll never be able to explain Jin's beauty, and Jin will never truly be able to know just how Namjoon sees him. But fuck, he can try. If Jin will let him.

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