10 « collar

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Namjoon wraps his arms around Jin's stomach and hovers his lips behind his ear. "Open..."

Slowly, they do. There are already tears in them, and for a second time in a row, Namjoon isn't prepared for the effect that has on his heart. Jin stares at it in the mirror, bereft of words, and brings up a hand to graze his fingertips along it.


Namjoon smiles.


"You actually got me one..."

Jin leans forward a little to get a better look, and Namjoon leans with him, the two still sandwiched together. Jin looks completely awed. Namjoon hopes to god that Jin can see what this really means... The fact that it's a collar is irrelevant. It's what it represents: not just that Jin is Namjoon's, but that Namjoon is just as committed to being Jin's.

"Do you like it?" Namjoon asks shyly. "'Cause it's okay if you don't like it, you don't have to wear-- "

"I love it," Jin whispers. Sniffling, he suddenly beams, exhaling a laugh. "I love it! I can't believe you did this..."

Namjoon's smile grows into a full-toothed grin, giddy and proud. "You can wear it as often or as little as you want," he tells him. "I'll leave it in my closet so you know where it is. I just... This doesn't have to mean you act a certain way around me. It doesn't have to – I mean, it doesn't need to mean anything, I just thought... Well, now you have something just from me."

"I love it, Namjoon," Jin insists again, still touching it with his fingers. Namjoon doesn't comment on the fact that Jin's very visibly getting hard. "Namjoon, this is... fuckin' gorgeous... How much was it?"

"That's for me to know and you not to worry about," Namjoon insists. "I'm just glad you're happy."

Jin tilts the dangling tag up with his index finger so he can read what's engraved onto it. His pupils start dilating again when he finally makes it out and sucks in a small breath. Quietly reading aloud, he breathes, "Princess..."

"Mine," Namjoon whispers, closing his eyes and kissing along the arch of his neck. Jin hums; is starting to push his ass back against Namjoon.

"No one else," Jin promises, like he always does. Reaching up behind him, he palms the back of Namjoon's head. Namjoon's hand sinks a bit lower and he runs his palm down Jin's cock, making Jin breathe out his name – secret and belonging to no one but them, like their very own prayer.

"There's one at the back, too," Namjoon tells him, his voice just loud enough for Jin to catch. He starts kissing along the chocker fitted just right across the back of his neck. Jin moves in tandem with him, dropping his head forward with a moan. "Right..." Kiss. "...Here. Know what it says?"






"...Kim Namjoon"


Jin exhales loudly and twists around, stuck between Namjoon's muscular body and the bathroom counter. Grabbing Namjoon, he yanks him in and kisses his mouth hard. Namjoon's fingers dig into Jin's back as he meets each kiss, holding him close – possessively – but not close enough, never close enough, even when Jin's getting bent backwards against the counter. After a couple minutes of heated, dirty kisses, Jin breaks it off and whispers, "I love you. I love you so much."

"I love you, too," Namjoon says back.

They're kissing again. Before he knows it, Jin's turning away from the counter so he can walk backwards and guide them into Namjoon's room. There's the softest rattling of the tag on Jin's chocker – a little jingling, cling-cling, cling, cling... – when he collapses down onto the bed. It reminds Namjoon of the dog tags Jin usually wears, only quieter. It's sweet, like music... only better.

It doesn't matter that they've already fooled around all night. Namjoon innocently pins Jin's wrists above his head, and their kisses slow into something more sensual and passionate, rather than the hungry, almost wild way they've been touching each other so far. It doesn't matter that Jin was taken apart and put back together more times than he can keep up with all night. He still rocks up beneath Namjoon so they can press together and Namjoon can feel exactly what he does to Jin; how badly Jin always wants him.

It doesn't matter that it might be absolutely ridiculous, how impossible it is for them to keep their hands off each other.

Jin still whispers, "Namjoon..." and when Namjoon hums against his mouth in response, Jin gives his bottom lip a mousey little nibble and says, "Make love to me..."

Fingertips run into the white hair above Namjoon's left ear, and Jin replies, "Make love to me, slowly... Please."

It's never just been that Jin's body drives Namjoon crazy from a sexual perspective. It's always been more than that. The way Jin's put together is intellectually arousing as much as it is aesthetically. Everything symmetrical and everything uneven, all laced together to wrap up this magnificent human being: Namjoon's newfound purpose for existing; the very beating of his own heart.

The human body is so much more seductive and alluring than people seem to realize. Namjoon's never just seen it as one whole thing, but also as a collection of incredible, beautiful, individual things that bend and stretch and exist together, work together. He wants to break down and memorize every single part of Jin's body until he knows it better than his own.

He gets a flash of Jin with his back slightly arched, and he can't stand it – picturing what the contours of his muscles look like... The shadows cascading across his skin... Every curve of bone and muscle, ligaments and joints... The indescribable plumpness of Jin's mouth, and the perfect roundness in the tip of his nose... The deep, shimmering highlight to his hair, the strong lines of his jaw, the deep, deepest pools of coffee brown Namjoon could imagine...

Fuck, Namjoon is the luckiest man alive and he has not an inch of doubt about that.

Jin slips his hand from Namjoon's grip so he can thread their fingers together. Bringing their hands between them, Jin presses Namjoon's palm against his throat so Namjoon can be reminded of the leather that now lives there. Jin's skin is hot, scorching. But the metal of the tag is so, so, beautifully cold. Namjoon craves both of those sensations and it drives him insane.

It's like Jin's pulse is hammering away against all five fingertips – beating beneath his entire palm – and it's so, so dizzying to Namjoon because his princess is here, coating his fingertips in sweat.

"I wanna feel you everywhere," Seokjin whispers, gasps, and his voice pitches halfway through into a moan.

"Fuck," Namjoon mutters, before crushing Jin's head down against the mattress with a kiss. He's powerless to say no to that. Jin may be the one wearing the chocker, but it'll forever be Namjoon who's utterly, yet willingly wrapped around this boy's finger.

Just like back from day one, anything Jin asks, Namjoon will give him – and absolutely nothing less. As Jin keeps their hands pressed against the collar, Namjoon starts to roll his body to Jin's and together, they get lost...

And this time, Namjoon does exactly as he's told: makes love to Jin, slowly, for as long as he can...

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