03 « impatient

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Before Namjoon starts in on the dishes, he offers Jin a little hand-made menu he'd drawn up, listing three different dessert options. "I got the ingredients for all of them," he explains, "so pick whichever one you want and we'll have it as a late-night treat later."

Eyes bright and wide, Jin scans the menu excitedly, then jokingly asks, "Can I pick 'em all?"

"If you want," Namjoon replies.

"Wait, seriously?"

The blond shrugs. "Why not? Gonna have to make them eventually so the stuff doesn't go to waste, right? If you want all three, I'll make all three."

"You're insane," Jin murmurs, shaking his head. But he's still looking over his options with that slightly amazed smile on his lips. Namjoon knows Jin's feeling spoiled right about now, and the thought makes him proud; warm inside.

In the end, despite having the option for all three, Jin decides on the fudge-walnut brownies. Namjoon takes out the non-perishable ingredients and sets them aside on the counter space next to the stove for later. After clearing the table and putting the candles away, Jin sits on the counter and keeps Namjoon company while the dishes get done.

There are only a few instances where Namjoon turns to find Jin with a drying towel in hand, trying to help out without Namjoon catching him. Namjoon reacts the same way each time: he calmly takes the things from Jin's hands, while Jin laughs and says something like, "Aww, I almost got away with it this time!" Namjoon will give him a tiny smile, shake his head, and answer, "No you didn't," before pinching Jin's hip and making the brunet jolt. Instantly, it turns that laughter into a tiny yelp, which melts quickly into a shaky breath; biting his bottom lip, closing his eyes, and smiling with pleasure while he squirms a bit from the sting in his skin.

Every time, Namjoon then frames Jin's face in his hands and kisses him breathless. Then Jin's going pliant against his lips and sighing blissfully. For a few minutes afterwards, he forgets about trying to help, in favor of watching Namjoon adoringly. By the third time, he seems to get with the program because he doesn't make to touch the towel again; just obediently sits where he is and preens to himself whenever Namjoon compliments him for listening so well.

After the last dish is dried up and put away, Namjoon goes into the living room to set up the couch with pillows and a blanket while Jin's using the washroom. When he comes back out, Namjoon has his suit jacket off and is waiting for him with a grin, arm extended. Together, they both go to sit down on the couch. Namjoon makes them a big bowl of popcorn, and places it on the coffee table.

Jin's peering over at him. "Hey Namjoon?"


A soft, glowing smile turns up one corner of Jin's mouth. "This is the best date I've ever had," he says, deep brown eyes filled with love and such naked esteem. "Thank you."

Namjoon wraps his arm around Jin and pulls him in close. Slipping his index finger beneath Jin's chin, Namjoon tilts his face up and kisses him. "I'm glad you're happy, baby," he replies. He gives Jin's mouth one more innocent kiss before looking back to the TV and tugging Jin tighter to him. Jin adjusts so he's partially curled onto Namjoon's lap, and then rests his head on Namjoon's shoulder; forehead pressing to Namjoon's neck, in that favorite little safe zone Jin has. Namjoon grabs the bowl of popcorn and then they watch the movie, wrapped up in each other's limbs while Namjoon rubs Jin's arm or pets his hair.

About halfway through the movie, Namjoon starts casually feeding Jin popcorn while they both continue to watch. He'll absentmindedly pluck up a few kernels, eat one or two, then lower his hand and bring what's remaining to Jin's mouth. Every time, Jin automatically parts his lips – also partially distracted by the film – and lets Namjoon feed him; the actions between them fluid and effortless, like they're second-nature.

Namjoon isn't completely sure at what point the air shifts. They're still cuddled up under the blanket, but the bowl of popcorn has been off to Namjoon's left for a while now, so Jin could drape his leg over Namjoon's knee and wrap his arm around the blond's waist. Somewhere between the climax of the movie approaching and Namjoon continuing to feed Jin popcorn, Jin's interest in the movie vanishes.

Because gradually – whenever Namjoon brings his fingers to Jin's mouth – instead of just letting it tip open so Namjoon can lightly push the popped kernel between his lips, Jin will quickly chew and swallow, only to then start licking the tips of Namjoon's fingers to clean the salt and butter away. Next thing Namjoon knows, Jin's closing his eyes and tilting his head forward; wrapping his lips around Namjoon's index and middle fingers and suckling on them slowly.

The gentle drag of Jin's soft tongue going back and forth across the pads of his fingers gets Namjoon glancing down so he can watch Jin's beautiful face while he does it. Fuck, his self- restraint starts draining away. He's been denying himself just as much as Jin has the last couple days. He doesn't think he has it in him to turn Jin down at this point. The sudden kneading over his crotch when Jin releases a placated little sigh – the sound slightly muffled around Namjoon's fingers – and starts rubbing his palm over Namjoon's dick gets Namjoon stuttering over a grunt, eyes falling closed.

By the time the movie's finishing, they're both making out and moaning into each other's mouths; Jin, still teasing Namjoon from over his dress pants and Namjoon, now doing the same to Jin. They grope each other and make the other harder and harder from over their clothes, like a couple of horny pre-pubescents. By the time the credits are finished rolling, the disk goes back to the main menu, and they still don't notice for another good twenty minutes.

Namjoon manages to get Jin's belt open and his fly down with just the one hand. He shoves his hand down those pants and into Jin's boxer briefs; starts playing with his cock, now skin-on- skin. Jin's own rhythm slows against Namjoon's crotch and Jin starts moaning louder, shakier, slightly startled-sounding... Ah! A-Ahhh... More breath than sound, but already completely desperate in its pitch. He bites Namjoon's bottom lip and then smothers his face against Namjoon's neck, doing nothing more than shaking and gasping; moaning hotly and going brain dead at finally getting some relief on his dick.

"What do you want, Jinnie?" Namjoon asks in a husk.

"Fuck me, oh god – N-Namjoon, please, fuck me. Fuck me," Jin begs. Clutching onto the other side of Namjoon's neck to steady himself, he starts trying to thrust back against Namjoon's hand.

Namjoon hums, low and guttural. "Down here, or upstairs?"

"I don't care, I don't fuckin' care – anywhere, please, I..." Jin pants a few ragged breaths and then swallows noisily. "Bend me over the table, fuck me on the floor; right here on the couch, on the stairs, I don't care, just please – oh, oh fuck..."

"Upstairs," Namjoon decides, withdrawing his hand from Jin's pants. He's met with a noise of protest, one that sounds pained, and Namjoon can't help but wonder how close Jin might've already been just from that alone. There's the tiniest pang of guilt in Namjoon's chest at Jin's reaction and he considers foregoing his entire plan so he can just get Jin off now and stop the torture.

But this was one of the things Jin wanted to try. So Namjoon sticks to his guns.
"I wanna try something with you, but I wanna be upstairs first," he says. "Sooner we get up there, the sooner you get my hands back. And my mouth," he deliberately adds. "How's that sound?"

Jin swallows again, hard. Taking a few labored breaths through his nose, he licks his lips and nods. "Okay," he whispers.

"Okay." Namjoon smiles reassuringly. "C'mon."

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