02 « please

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It's during the main course when Jin starts peering over at him and shifting around in his seat. In a real casual way, Namjoon feels Jin inch his foot closer and closer, until he's rubbing it over Namjoon's. Namjoon pretends not to read any deeper into the action and simply keeps up their conversation.

Then Jin gives him a smile and moves his chair a bit closer. A minute or two later and he's shuffling a couple more inches. By the time they're almost finished eating, he might as well be sitting in Namjoon's lap, his chair is so close. He places his left hand on Namjoon's right knee. Namjoon's not an idiot, but he is having fun playing this little game of theirs, so he doesn't draw any attention to it at first.

When Jin subtly tries to drag his hand up Namjoon's thigh, though, Namjoon keeps chewing on the food he has in his mouth and closes his fingers around Jin's wrist. His facial features calm and unchanging, he moves Jin's hand off of him and places it on Jin's own leg. Then he's letting go and resting his forearm on the edge of the table again.

Next to him, Jin releases a small huff. His hand goes right back onto Namjoon's leg again. Namjoon moves it off a second time. This time, Jin makes a sound that's a mixture of a chuckle and a frustrated whine and starts saying, "C'mon, Namjoon--"

"We're eating, Jinnie; that's not very polite," Namjoon replies, still calm and only feigning reproach. There's a hint of a smirk turning up one corner of his mouth.

A secret about Kim Seokjin is that, behind closed doors, he can become the whiniest, most teasing, and most submissive son of a bitch to exist. Despite being the elder of the two, Jin adores being pampered like a fucking princess, adores being showered with affection, and not have to do anything himself. He loves love loves being as submissive as someone could ever possibly get, just for his Joonie.

And another secret; that is Kim Namjoon's favorite thing in the entire world, too.

Trying to get his way, Jin lifts that left hand of his and brushes the tips of his fingers over the hair above Namjoon's ear. Leaning in, he drags his nose softly along the curve of Namjoon's neck and murmurs, "C'mon Joonie, I've been so good. I did everything you asked for." His lips hover in front of Namjoon's ear and he whispers, "I'll let you do anythin' you want to me... You want me to beg? I'll beg. Please, c'mon... I want you so bad..."

Namjoon takes his time finishing the bite he has in his mouth. Swallowing, he lowers his cutlery and picks up his napkin. He wipes his mouth, purposely drawing it out and making Jin wait, before re-folding it neatly and setting it back down on the table. Turning towards Jin a little, he takes Jin's face in his hands and leans in.

Jin inhales deeply and moans as soon as Namjoon's pressing their lips together in a kiss. However, he keeps the kiss chaste, choosing to conveniently end it the moment Jin tries to part his lips to deepen it. Dragging his mouth up Jin's teasingly, his bottom lip catching on Jin's top one for split second, he whispers, "No."

Jin opens his eyes and stares back into his. His pupils are so enormous that there's barely any trace of chocolate brown left to speak of anymore. The room may be dim, but Namjoon can tell that his boyfriend's cheeks are already beginning to flush, and fuck, Jin looks unnaturally breathtaking by candlelight. His lips part but no sound comes out. Namjoon can only guess how dilated his own pupils are; that his eyes are probably slightly glazed with lust, just like Jin's.

The smile he gives Jin is little but it's filthy, and his voice drops even lower when he continues, "I made this nice meal for you. Don't you want it?"

"I want it," Jin breathes, not talking about the food at all. Namjoon's still holding onto either side of his face, and right on cue, his 'tell' is kicking in. He's starting to tremble in his seat.

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