Teenagers Make THE WORST Decisions Ever

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C'mon! Who doesn't love a good cat meme. I swear, this is my dog everyday. This is also his happy look, so it's hard to tell if he's happy or about to run around the house trying to bite you in the ass. Anyways..... Oh. I should also mention that in this story mermaids can breathe underwater.

Emma felt someone shaking her shoulder. She immediately sat straight up in a full panic, looking around wildly to see what was wrong.

"Cleo!" She snapped, "What do you think you're doing?"

Cleo looked at her and said calmly, "Oh, I'm going to Mako. Fantastic night for a swim, don't you think?"

"Yeah, sure. Umm... Just hold on a minute!" Emma was frantically trying to wake Rikki. Finally, she slapped her across the shoulder.


"Cleo." Emma whispered, gesturing towards the girl, who was now looking at the pair of them pointedly.

"It's time to swim you two."

Rikki got up and slowly approached Cleo the way she would a rabid animal.

"Look Cleo, how about we go back to bed, huh? Sound good?"

Cleo shook her head at the blondes. Suddenly, she ripped open the curtains, exposing the moon, perfectly proportioned outside. It reflected off Emma and Rikki's faces. They only had time to feel a fleeting panic, before the moon consumed them. One by one they went out the door.

The mermaids swam at full speed towards the Moon Pool, bubbles rising in their wake, desperate to make it there. Every second they weren't in the pool seemed like sheer agony.

Per usual, Emma was the first there, but Rikki didn't complain. They didn't even notice, only caring about the moon overhead. The water began to bubble, and the girls gazed slack-jawed above.

The moon had started to speak.

My children, she whispered, great gifts have I bestowed upon you. So far you have kept your true selves hidden, but you can never live a human life. You have come of age where you must shake free of the illusion. You can never live with your human family. Leave them. Promise me. You will have each other for sisters, and Mako as a father, I as a mother. Swear to me that you will do as I ask.

The three girls said at once, "We swear."

And they could've sworn the moon smiled.

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