Can't Run Forever... Or Can I?

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It had been six months since they had last seen their daughters, and they couldn't believe how much their little girls had changed. True, they couldn't see that much due to the fact that the girls were in a car, but still.

Everyone seemed to freeze. The adults still processing everything, and the mermaids wondering what their options were.

The perfect time for Rikki's water to break, right?

Rikki gasped as she felt the water pour down her legs, worried that she would transform. Because worrying about whether or not you're going to turn into a mermaid, is a lot easier than worrying about the fact that you're in labor.

"Guys!" she screeched.

Both girls turned around.

"Yeah?" Cleo asked, clueless.

"MY WATER BROKE!" Rikki screamed at them.

That seemed to snap everyone on both sides out of their shock.

"Oh my god." Emma whispered.

"Cleo, floor it!" Rikki ordered.

Cleo did as she was told, and tires screeching, they headed toward the beach.

Mako was only 15 minutes away from Thames by tail, which was part of the reason the girls chose it. They could only hope that Rikki would hold out that long.

"Damn it." Emma realized. "We left our parents behind."

Rikki glared at her. "Is that really what you're focused on right now?"

Emma mumbled an apology before hopping out the car. She and Cleo both supported Rikki as they made their way down towards the waves.

It was a quiet spot, so the mermaids were able to dive (or crawl in Rikki's case) into the water quickly.

Soon they were off towards Mako. Rikki couldn't go as fast as she normally would, and was beginning to get contractions.

It took a full 20 minutes to reach the halfway point at their current speed.

"I'll go get Zane." Emma said, before zooming off at full speed.

That left Cleo to deal with a tired and hormonal Rikki.

"I can't Cleo." Rikki looked at her pleadingly. "I can't do this."

Cleo looked her straight in the eye. "Yes you can. We're almost there. An then think, you'll have your babies in your arms."

Rikki nodded, determined, if not a bit shaky.

And they soldiered on.

Cliffie! Sorry it took so long to update, I was conflicted between a reunion or a getaway. So naturally I settled on a getaway with added drama. Next chapter will be the babies debut! And in case you were wondering, she didn't transform from the water bursting because.... mermaids are fictional and I can make up whatever I want.

H2O- Just Add Water Going Off ScriptWhere stories live. Discover now