How Many Beach Balls Did I Swallow?

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Alright. This is going to be a good chapter. It has to be. So have fun reading! Next part should be up soon. Rikki's hair is above. Cleo's next chapter. Enjoy my peeps!

Rikki groaned, rubbing her hand over her mid-section. She was at 8 weeks, and already felt like she was going to pop.

The good news was that Lewis had finally managed to bring the ultrasound equipment in, with the help of Cleo and Emma. It was time to figure out what was going on with the baby.

So Rikki was laying on her back on a mattress of three sleeping bags, her shirt pulled up to show her embiggened stomach. (Embiggened is a word!) Lewis carefully spread the gel on her stomach, and then took the wand.

"You ready?"

Rikki nodded. "I feel like I've swallowed a beach ball."

 Images began pouring out onto the screen. Lewis stared at the computer with an intense furrowing of his brow, as if something strange had happened and he was still in denial.

"Is the baby alright?" Rikki fretted, her maternal instincts overwhelming her.

"Yeah," Lewis muttered, sounding faint. "The babies are fine."

The girls sighed in relief. Then Emma frowned. "Wait, babies?"

Lewis looked up with a nervous smile. "Apparently you swallowed three beach balls Rikki."

Rikki just stared at him. "Triplets." she stated.

"Well that explains a lot." Cleo said, happy that nothing was wrong. 

Lewis rubbed the back of his head self-consciously. "That's not all actually. See, they have tails."

Suddenly Rikki grinned. "Triplets. I'm having triplets. Mermaid triplets."

"Well we can't be sure they're mermaids yet. The tails hide their gender, so there could be some mermen in there." Lewis smiled. 

The three girls looked at each other. There was a brief silence before a squeal broke through. Surprisingly, it was Rikki, who had never squealed like a love-sick teenager in her life. Cleo and Emma soon followed; leaving Lewis to hide behind the equipment, hands over his ears.

"What are you going to name them?!" Emma probed.

Rikki's expression turned indignant. "I don't know the genders yet!"

"You could always plan ahead." Lewis had crawled out of his hiding spot to join the girls.

Thoughtfully Rikki said, "Girls would be Nicole, Casey, or....Viole." She decided with a thoughtful nod. "And boys are Oliver, Riley and Jacob."

Emma smiled. "Those sound beautiful Rikki."

"Have you told Zane yet?" Cleo asked.

Rikki looked at her feet. "Not yet."

Emma looked concerned. "You need to tell him soon. I mean, you're what, two months in? He deserves to know that he's a dad."

"I'll tell him as soon as I can find a safe place to meet up."

Cleo looked at Lewis. "Speaking of that, how are things on the mainland?"

"Bad," Lewis sighed. "The police have officially listed you three as runaways. They're looking into any signs as to where you went. Everyone's under suspicion, including me and Zane. The investigation's pretty serious. They think you might have had a run in with gangs or something."

"Gangs?" Cleo whispered, shocked. 

"They can't seriously think that." Rikki said incredulously. "I mean, us in gangs? Please."

"Look at it from their perspective." Emma said emotionlessly. "We disappear for three days, and don't tell them where we've been. We're back for a week, behave strangely, and then disappear for two months. What would you think had happened?"

Next chap is going to be about the police investigation. I'm going to try to weave that into the storyline. Though in all honesty, I have no idea where I'm going with this.

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