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Emma raced down the streets of Sydney, to the docks, where she promptly dove into the water and sped away. She had just received a text from Rikki, and it was urgent. 

Only a few weeks back, the girls had decided to move Rikki to a different city, one that was closer to Mako. She had gotten a new job there, where she worked at a preschool, managing the toddlers. All had seemed to be relatively well. Until now.

Emma flopped onto Thames' beach, impatiently waiting for her tail to dry. It was times like these that she envied Rikki, and her ability to dry herself. 

Once dry, she sprinted to the daycare, which luckily was seaside. Emma saw the children playing on the playground, but no Rikki.

But there was someone she recognized. 

"Cleo! Where's Rikki?" 

Cleo looked surprised. "She's not with you?"


The girls exchanged panicked looks. 

Emma took charge. "Ok, we'll ask around and ask if anyone's seen her."

Cleo took a deep breath and marched over to a matronly looking woman. The woman was surrounded by children, ordering them into lines.

"Excuse me, ma'am, have you seen Ms. Brown around?"

The woman turned to the pair. "Ms. Brown? Oh, yes. She went inside a little while ago. Something about it being too hot and pregnancy."

"Thank you." Cleo said earnestly. 

The mermaids ran to the nearby building, and entered through the front door. Emma had her phone out, and was texting Rikki.

What's the matter?

R parents R here.  Was Rikki's reply. 

The girls eyes widened in shock. Where are you?

Meet me out back.

Cleo and Emma hurried to do as she said, but found it slightly difficult.

"Damn." Emma muttered.

 Standing there in the hallway, were their families. Elliot and Kim looked bored out of their minds, while the adults looked nostalgic.

"I remember when Emma was this age." Mrs. Gilbert said wistfully. 

Don was replying when Emma hissed, "There's no other way, we have to go past them."

Cleo looked at her incredulously. "There's no way they won't recognize us!"

Emma shrugged. "I never said it was a good plan." 

She walked out into the corridor with Cleo walking nervously next to her. 

"Just act normal." Emma whispered to Cleo.

The girls walked down the tiled floor, eyes on the double doors at the end that showed their escape. But of course things didn't go well.

Terry, assuming the girls he saw in his peripheral were helpers, turned to Cleo and began asking a question. 

"Excuse me but do you know- CLEO!"

The entire group turned around, looking shocked at Terry's outburst. 

"Emma!" Mrs. Gilbert screeched.

The two girls eyes met for a split second, and then they were off. They flat-out sprinted down the the two hundred feet to their freedom. The men ran after them, and would have caught the children had Cleo not summoned the wind to push their dads back.

The double doors thundered open as the two teens collided with them. Emma and Cleo saw Rikki standing impatiently next to a battered SUV. 

"Right behind us." Cleo panted, climbing into the drivers seat. Rikki handed her the keys and climbed in the back.

"They saw you?!" Rikki's eyes widened. 

"You stole another car?" Emma snapped back. Rikki's eyes narrowed. 

"Stop it you two." Cleo said sternly, revving the engine. Just then the parents burst through the doors.

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