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Anyone seen Pitch Perfect 2? This is the song at the ending by Cynthia Rose. Recap- Rikki is five months pregnant and Cleo and Lewis are having fun. Also, I'm so sorry about not updating in a while. I was a little busy. 

Emma strode in through the door, exhausted. She hadn't managed to get much sleep the night before, as Rikki's morning sickness had returned. 

She was officially five months into her pregnancy, and she was huge. Lewis was doing weekly ultrasounds on the babies, and while he still couldn't tell the genders, it was determined that all babies were fraternal. 

Rikki was going to have quit work sometime in the next month. It was too strenuous for the babies, and increased their chances of a premature birth. Cleo had been promoted at the pet shop for her knowledge in the fish department. And Emma, well she was scraping by.

Normally Emma wouldn't care much about work. She managed at the Juicy Bar just fine. But the cafe she was at, had an added negative. Ash.

It wasn't that he wasn't nice or anything, he was just too... cute. Work is hell when you think your boss is cute. It's just plain pain. 

"Hey Ash." Emma said, dropping her bag on the counter.

"You're in early sleepyhead." Ash replied grinning. "Did you get any sleep last night?"

Emma glared at him, the answer evident.

"Whoa. Easy there Emma. I surrender." Ash raised his hands in the air, looking at her in mock fear.

Emma rolled her eyes, struggling not to smile. 

"You know, one day you're gonna marry me. It's fate." Ash said after a brief silence.

Emma said nothing, turning away from him to hide her blush.

They heard the bell tinkle lightly. Ash sighed, then left to go deal with the customer.

It was going to be a long day.

 Determined to avoid Ash as much as possible, Emma left the instant her shift was over, and headed out to get groceries. 

She just had to run into him at the store.

Then they had gotten to talking. Emma was surprised at how open she was with him. He could listen to all her worries and just soak it all in. She did the same for him.  

They payed for their groceries, and walked and talked, ending up at a cute little cafe.

Ash chuckled. "Usually I wouldn't be caught dead at a competitors." He looked at Emma. "But I think I'll make an exception."

Emma coughed awkwardly, red in the face. Ash insisted on paying for their drinks.

"So who are those girls you always hang around with?"

"Cleo and Rikki. They're my best friends."

"The preggo one's Rikki right?" Ash asked

"Yeah. She's going to have to quit work soon to stay on bed rest."

"How many months in is she?"

Emma smiled. "Only five."

Ash's eyes widened. "And she's that big?"


"Oh my god. How's she gonna manage?"

Emma smiled ruefully. "With absolutely no sleep."

She looked at her phone and gasped. She picked up her bag and told Ash breathlessly, "I'll see you tomorrow!"

Ash stared slack-jawed at the retreating figure. "Well that went well."

I am soooooooooooooooo sorry for the two month absence. And I know this chapter isn't the best, but hopefully the next should be better. 

H2O- Just Add Water Going Off ScriptWhere stories live. Discover now