Still In Da Past

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Alright, we're still in the past. If you guys have any ideas about where this storyline should go, just post it in the comments. Also, any ideas for the triplets would be welcome, you know names and powers. Thanks!

Don arched his back, groaning. He must have fallen asleep at some point during the night. Suddenly, everything came rushing back to him. Cleo.... Cleo had disappeared. Emma had stolen a car. Rikki might be pregnant. Cleo disappeared.

Dear god....


He ran downstairs to the phone. It was the police telling him that Mr. Gilbert's car had been found at the dock.

Sighing, Don thanked the police for the update, and flopped down on the couch. He was careful to make it as quiet as possible since Kim was still asleep.

Less than half an hour later, he received another call telling him that his boat had been stolen. The police assumed that it was the girls who had committed the theft, explaining the location of the Gilbert's car.

Don had insisted on coming in to the station. Since it was his boat, he felt he could help them find it. 

Naturally, he was too paranoid to leave Kim at home alone. So she ended up being dragged half-asleep to wait, while Don was doing his stuff. Talk about an unhappy camper.

Officers Chase and Gordon were actually relieved that he had come to help. They needed someone who knew the vehicle well.

"The boat only goes a max of 11 knots, so the girls can't have gone far. Maybe 50 miles at most. But the fuel was low, and the wind and tides wouldn't have propelled them very far, so more like 35 or so."

Gordon nodded, writing everything down on his little notepad. "Thank you Mr. Sertori. We'll be sure to conduct a sweep of the fifty mile radius you described. Hopefully we'll have the girls home soon."

Don shook hands with both officers before leaving with a grumpy Kim in tow. He was driving along the main street, deep in thought. What could have possibly convinced Cleo that she needed to leave home?

Normally he would ask Emma and Rikki, but they were missing as well. But they weren't Cleo's only friends. No, there was Lewis too. Maybe he had some idea about what was going on.

He dropped Kim off at home, with instructions to not leave the house, and headed over to Lewis's place. He was good friends with the McCartney's. He had to be, since Lewis and Cleo were such close childhood friends.

Luckily, Lewis was in the front yard, a leg already over his bike. 

Don pulled over so that Lewis could see him. "Lewis!" he called

Lewis's head turned in his direction. "Hey Mr. Sertori." he said sounding crestfallen. Sighing, he set his bicycle to the side. 

Don got out of his car being careful to look as intimidating as possible. He got straight to the point. "Do you have any idea why the girls left and where they are?"

Lewis eyes got big and he began sweating nervously. "I wish."

"Is there anything you can tell me about what happened?" Don questioned, getting increasingly frustrated.

Lewis looked at the watch on his wrist. "Oh. Um.... Look at the time. I have somewhere to be, if you don't mind."

The blonde boy hopped onto his bike and sped away, glancing anxiously over his shoulder.

"I do mind!" Don yelled after him. 

The boy's up to something.

Don ran back across the street, and gunned the engine, following the bike. Lewis must have noticed he was being tailed however, because he went through multiple parks, and even down stairwells, avoiding the streets at all costs.

That was enough to convince Don that the boy knew something. Why else would he take such an indirect route?

Eventually they turned up at the docks. Lewis ditched the bike behind some bushes before running down the dock. 

Don followed him with some trouble. He wasn't as young as he used to be. He saw Lewis start up a small boat, and move out of harbor.

He cursed vividly, before remembering that he owned a boat at this part of the dock. Sprinting, Don jumped onto the boat and roared out of port. He spotted Lewis's boat not to far ahead but fell back, not wanting Lewis to realize he was being followed.

But it was inevitable that Lewis would eventually realize that that boat in the same stretch of water as him, wasn't a coincidence. Unfortunately for Don, Lewis realized this much earlier than  was planned.

So Don was confused when the boy dropped anchor in the middle of the bay. He saw Lewis look at him before putting on diving gear and an oxygen tank. 

Scuba diving in the middle of the bay? What is he thinking?

Don couldn't do anything but watch as Lewis dove over the side, leaving his boat behind. Knowing that there was nothing else he could do, Don turned around and headed back to port. But that little incident did nothing but strengthen Don's suspicions.

Next chapter I am determined to tackle the whole Zane daddy thing. This'll be fun.

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