So How Do I Look?

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Just warning you guys, this is what people call a filler chapter. It's pretty much meaningless, and just gives descriptions of the girls fitting into their new lives. Pic of Emma's hair above, and Rikki and Cleo in following chapters. Anyways, enjoy!

The girls swam to Sydney first thing the next morning to put their plan into place. They were careful to drag themselves out of the sea behind some rocks, since the city was so crowded. From there Rikki dried them off, and they headed up the boardwalk. 

"So where to first?" Cleo asked.

"Hair first. And keep your heads down, we don't want people recognizing us." Emma warned.

Rikki snorted. "Emma, I don't think anybody in Sydney has even heard about us."

"Fine." Emma conceded. "But we should still be careful."

The threesome strolled up the street, which was already crowded. Welcome to eight o clock in Sydney. Cleo had brought her savings with her to get the haircuts, but they'd all agreed not to spend too much money.

They stopped at a small, barely noticeable shop, that had flickering signs saying 'hair'. Rikki looked at the girls and shrugged.

Cleo and Emma stared at her. "You want us to go in there?"

Rikki rolled her eyes at them. "We want to stay under the radar right?"

Reluctantly, they headed into the shop, hearing a faint bell as the door opened. There were salon chairs lining the wall, and scissors lying about. A small older woman stood behind the counter. 

"Customers?" she asked in a kind, grandmotherly voice.

Emma nodded.

"Well take a look around dears. Let me know when you're ready."

"Thanks ma'am." Cleo said, giving the woman a small smile.

A few minutes later, Rikki said, "Screw it, just do it. My new motto."

She went and sat down in the chair farthest from the window, and told the lady that she was ready, and told her what she wanted.

The lady looked at her, surprised. Cleo and Emma looked at each other, curious. They hadn't heard what Rikki had said.

They watched as the woman wrapped a cape around their friend and proceeded to shear her hair off. In the end, Rikki sported a very cute pixie cut. Emma had bobbed her blonde hair, and Cleo had done a longer version of Rikki's cut.

They thanked and payed the woman before heading out into the city. They were each running their hands through their new shortened hair, as they walked down the street. No one would recognize them now. 

"Now we need to get jobs." Emma stated.

"And then shopping!" Cleo squealed. Emma and Rikki looked at her like she was crazy.

"What? We do need to get some new clothes."

"Fine." Rikki grumbled.

The first thing they ran to was a Starbucks. However, since the line was out the door, the mermaids didn't waste any time trying to get in.

They moved on, and walked around the city. They had to admit it was one of the most beautiful places they had ever seen. On land that is.

They all managed to land jobs somewhere. Emma was working at a little cute cafe downtown, which was owned by a young man named Ash. Cleo landed a spot at a pet store, where she specialized in fish. And Rikki was working a skate park. She couldn't actually go skating, but she could encourage kids to give it a shot.

Rikki was confused by her sudden affinity towards children. Usually she couldn't care less how they felt, much less feel maternal towards them. She supposed it was her hormones being out of wack.

Soon a routine developed. Each morning the girls would get up, get dressed, and then swim to work. Most of the time, they would go shopping afterwards, whether it was for groceries, toiletries, or lately, baby clothes.

Rikki was getting bigger every day. She couldn't fit into her normal clothing anymore, and was even starting to stretch out the maternity ware they had bought. She was barely a month in, and she already looked like she was in her second trimester. 

That in itself was very unusual. Hopefully Lewis would have that ultrasound equipment soon.

Yes, I know it's horrible. I know that the whole new look and job thing is boring, but it's kinda necessary to set the scene for some Emma/Ash. And it updates on Rikki's baby! So see ya in the next chap, cause it can't be worse than this one right?

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