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(Seven months later)

It's been seven months since I've started school and since Luke moved in. It's February third, exactly a month before my birthday. I can't wait!

In these seven months I've realized that I don't like Anthony anymore. The next day after the movies with Jack, Luke and Veronica, I thought about what Miranda told me and started talking to Anthony. Only to find out that he was exactly who I feared him to be. A disappointment and a jerk. The butterflies, sweaty palms, and the nervousness was gone; that's when I realized that I didn't really like him. I was with him for at least two months before realizing I was a fool for actually thinking he was the one.


"So Julie, do you want to go to my place after this party?" Anthony smiled.

"Not really. I rather go home." I said not paying attention to him.

We had been dating for the past two months. At first he was sweet, like any boyfriend, but, slowly and surely I got to know how he really was. He has become very aggressive and sexual, I'm not really liking this side to him. He grabbed my arm and pulled me out to the side of the house.

"Stop! Let go of me, you're hurting me." I whimpered in pain.

"Shut up and stop complaining." He growled. We stopped suddenly and I was pushed up against a wall. Panic filled me as I saw no one else was around; it was just me and him. "Okay so let me just get over with this and then you can do whatever the fuck you want to do." He said clearly in a hurry as he held me back.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I just came for what I want." He said as if it were so obvious. This can't be happening.

"No way!" He said in realization as he let go of me and stepped back. "You thought I liked you! No sweetie, see you've got this all wrong. In eighth grade one of your old friends told me that you had this huge crush on me. I just saw you as an easy target that's all. As you can see I'm a little tired of waiting and you're a little harder to crack than I thought. So, I came to collect."

"So all this time you were actually just trying to get in my pants?" I asked trying not to cry.

"Exactly!" He smirked as his eyes filled with lust.

"But I thought you actually liked me." I stated at the edge of tears.

"You really think that I'd like a girl like you?" He spat.

I did the only thing I know how to do. Run. I've been doing it all my life; running from my problems. Why should I stop now? So, I ran as fast as my legs could take me. I ran until I was sure he wasn't behind me. I let the tears go and was full on sobbing, careless of who saw. I thought about going home but I didn't want to my mom to see me like this so, I ran to Luke's house. I neared his house and never had been so happy to see it. I wiped my tears before knocking twice on the door.

"Julie what's wrong?" Luke asked as soon as he took in my appearance.

"Nothing. I'm fine but I'll take you up on that offer now." I weakly smiled.

*End Of Flashback*

It took me a while for me to recover from what happened with Anthony. I didn't really talk to my friends, I didn't go to any parties, or go anywhere. My mom became really worried and was going to put me in therapy if it wasn't for Luke. Luke convinced my mom to give me some more time and with his help I recovered in a few weeks. He became my best friend and I told him everything. I returned to my normal self, well sort of. I still hadn't gone out until today actually. Today is my first time out in months; outside of school. Luke called me right after school to invite me to the mall. I thought about it and decided that it would be good for me to go out and take my mind off things. I asked my mom and of course she said yes. I think she's happy that I'm finally going out somewhere.

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