16. Twenty-One Pilots?

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The only thing I've seen on Facebook and Instagram these past few days? People asking others to Prom in super cliche ways. It was honestly so cute but it made me think if Vic was going or not. It's not something you bring up in a casual conversation. 

But, because I'm still technically apart of my school, I'm allowed to go to the little pep rally they're having for it. I haven't been to this school in maybe five months and I was kind of nervous to see what's going to happen. Yeah, I'm going to stand at the side and probably force Vic to hang out with me. 

My mom should be here soon to pick me up since she didn't want me to get up at five just to sit at the school for seven hours. I'm not complaining though. Lately, I've been feeling a lot more weak that usual. They won't tell me but I think I'm getting worse. Like, it's harder to breathe while in the shower since I can't exactly take my oxygen in there.

My mom texted me telling me she was on her way so she should be here any minute. As if on cue, I hear a car horn blare from outside. I stood up from the couch and made my way out of the house. 

"Hey." I say to my mom as I was getting into the car. 

"Hey Kell." She replies excitedly. 

"Are you okay? You seem happy." I ask her.

"Am I not allowed to be happy?" She asks.

"Mom, you're going back to work. You're never really happy when it comes to work." I tell her, squinting my eyes in suspicion. 

"I'm not allowed to say anything." She says, looking at me briefly.

"Why?" I ask her but she just shakes her head. I groan and lay back in the seat. Before I knew it, we were pulling into the school's parking lot and I was hit with a wave of nostalgia. 

"I'm never going to school here ever again." I whisper as everything is just hitting me. "I haven't even been here in almost six months." 

"You'll still technically be graduating here." My mom says.

"If I even survive till graduation." I mumble. 

"Kellin." She says.

"Mom, I know it's getting worse. I can feel it." I tell her.

"It may be getting worse but they're still trying to get you a new set of lungs." She adds, trying ti make me feel better.

"Face it, they stopped trying. It's been almost a year and we've heard nothing on them." I tell her in which she just sighs and steps out of the car. I do the same and follow her into the school. By the sounds of it, the pep rally is about to start. 

"Vic's waiting in there for you. I have to go to my office to grab something. I'll see you in the gym." My mom says. I nod and slowly walk into the gym. Like my mom said, Vic was standing in the opposite corner of the gym, not facing me but watching all the students come into the area. 

I quickly make my way over to him without him noticing. When I reach him, I wrap my arms around him in a weird side hug.

"What the f-" He starts but stops when he notices it was me. "Oh, hey Kells. I've been waiting for you." He says, turning so he could hug me back. 

"I can see that." I say, reaching up and kissing him cheek. He smiles down at me and takes my hand.

"How have you been?" He asks me.

"Good. Well, as good as I can get." I tell him honestly.

"It's okay. Well, the rest of them saved us some seats beside them so why don't you go up there? I have to do something real quick." He says, pointing to our group of friends in the middle of the bleachers. 

"Alright." I say. Why is everyone being so sketchy today?

I make my way up to my friends, ignoring everyone's eyes that were on me.

"Hey Kellin." They say when I finally reach them.

"Hey." I say. "It's so weird being back here." I say, looking around the gym and seeing faces I haven't seen in months.

"That's understandable. You haven't been here since November." Bliss says in which everyone else agrees. 

"What's Vic up to?" I ask them, "He said he has things to do." I tell them.

"It's a surprise." Dakota answers. 

"Great." I mumble since I actually despise surprises or anything relating to them. 

"It's okay. You'll love it." Carli tells me. 

"You better be right or I'm coming after you." I tell her. 

A few minutes pass and everyone is finally all in the gym, but Vic isn't 'back yet.

"Oh my god. It's the kid who has cancer." I heard someone say from behind me. 

I was going to just ignore them but the rest didn't like that idea. 

"Can you not talk about my best friend like he's not here? Thanks." Dakota snaps at them.

"Sorry. I just thought he died already." They say, and honestly, that one hurt.

"Not yet." I tell them. 

"Kellin," Bliss says in a warning tone. The conversation ends there because my mom walks out into the center of the gym. 

"Hey guys. Now, before we start with this little pep rally, someone would like to ask their special someone to the prom. Come one out." She says into the microphone. 

Man, this person is super lucky that they're significant other would ask them to prom in front of the school. 

My thoughts were cut of by Vic walking out into the center of the gym. Oh shit. 

"Thank you Mrs. Bostwick. Now, as some of you may know, I am currently dating the best guy around. He doesn't go to this school anymore but he's here because, well, he can. Kellin, can you come down here?" He says into the mic.

I stare at him for a second until Dakota nudges me off the bleachers. I slowly make my way down them, noting how silent everything was. 

"What're you doing?" I ask as soon as I get to him. 

"Asking you to Prom. Justin!" He shouts. I turn to see Justin walking in with a bouquet of flowers and a sign. 

Vic hands me the mic and flowers while holding the sign backwards so I can't read it. 

"I want you to read this out loud, alright?" He asks in which I nod. He flips the sign and my lips curl into a smile.

"There's no doubt that I've been stressed out about how to ask you, and if you say "no, not today" I'd be a goner with a heavy dirt soul so won't you please make a truce to be the Tyler to my Josh and ride to prom with me?" I read then let out an awe. ( I tried to put the picture of it here but my laptops being a little bitch this week. -Bri)

"So, will you go to Prom with me?" Vic asks. 

"Yes, I'll go with you." I tell him, causing the crowd to let out a cheer. Vic gave me a quick hug before pulling out his phone. 

"Take a picture?" He asks Justin. He nods and takes the phone from Vic. 

Vic and I position ourselves and Justin quickly takes a picture. 

"I love you." I tell Vic as we walk to the side of the gym.

"I love you too and I cannot wait to go to Prom with you." He replies and pecks my lips.

"Thank you for this. Honestly, it means the world to me." I tell him.

"I would do anything for you. And I mean that." He tells me. I smile and lean my body against his while watching the remainder of the pep rally. 


So, I just want to say this now, it's been a rough week and it's only going to get worse right now so don't expect long updates. I really am trying but I've been so distracted lately. Thanks for sticking around though.

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