Author's Note

250 14 10

Probably gonna delete this later.

Sorry, this isn't an update I just need to make something clear.

I get that my writing isn't the best. I've only been writing since May and I'm only 14 (cringe).

Please, please don't comment on my stories saying how bad my writing is. It's just out of respect. This is something I enjoy doing even though it may not be great.

I know sometimes I rush things and I try not to but it just happens.

On one of the first stories I wrote, someone kept commenting how bad and rushed my writing was. Now, you can have your opinions but please keep them to yourselves. I don't enjoy seeing negative comments on something I tried really hard on.

Thanks to anyone who actually likes my writing. It means a lot. Like I said, I know I'm not the best but I'm trying to get better.

Anyways, I should be able to get another update to you by Thursday at the latest.

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