8. The Parents

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I probably should've mentioned this earlier but there's gonna be a lot of time skips in this. Not big ones but yeah.


Vic called me yesterday and asked me if I could come over and meet his parents after school today. I couldn't sleep too well because of the 'what ifs' running through my head. I didn't want them to pity me that's for sure. 

Bliss and Dakota came to visit me the other day. It almost beat the first date Vic took me on but not quite. They brought ice cream and the Harry Potter movies and that's all we did. It was simple but I missed hanging out with them so much. I've been so caught up in Vic and school work that I almost forgot about them. 

It's Christmas break now so I don't have to do schoolwork and Vic and everyone else can hang out whenever they feel like for about three weeks. 

Back to Vic's parents, though. I was not ready for this. On the bright side, my mom is coming with me and I get to Vic after not seeing him for a few days. 

"Kellin, you ready to go?" My mom asks me before lightly knocking on my door frame. I exhaled heavily then turned to look at her. 

"No, but we should probably leave." I tell her honestly, sitting up on the bed. 

"It's going to be okay. I'm ninety-nine point nine percent sure they're going to love you." She tells me, flashing me a warm smile. 

"It's that point one percent that has me worried." I tell her.

"Oh, stop doubting yourself. You're a great kid and they are going to love you." She pushes. I nod, not wanting to keep going. 

I get off of my bed and follow my mom out the door and to her car. It's been awhile since I have left the house and I forgot how cold it can get in December. Speaking of December, Christmas is right around the corner. 

I may sound like a kid but Christmas is my favorite holiday. Not even because of getting present. It's because it's that one day where both my mom and I had off of school and work for a few weeks so we would stay up and watch tacky Christmas movies, make a shit ton of cookies, and on the rare occasion, my grandparents would come visit us from England. 

I wonder what Vic and his family are doing since they just moved here and have no family in the area. 

Before I could really become more nervous about meeting Vic's parents, we were pulling up in front of, I'm guessing, their house. I could feel my heart rate pick up and my hands gripped the door handle. 

I took a deep breath and stepped out of the car. I stood and waited for my mom so that we could walk to their door together. 

When we made it to the door, my mom knocked on it a few times. A few moments later, I heard shouting and the door was being opened. 

I was half expecting Vic but it was actual a middle aged lady who was kind of short.

"You must be Kellin and Lisa." She said, smiling warmly. "I'm Vic's mother, Vivian." She stuck her hand out for me to shake and I hesitantly took it, trying to cease my shaking body. 

"Hello. It's nice to meet you." I said quietly. 

"Likewise. Vic and Mike are upstairs if you want to go hang out with them." She tells me. My eyes go wide and I look over to my mom. 

"Uh, he can't go upstairs anymore." She explains to Vivian for me.

"Why's that?" She asks, curiosity lacing her voice.

"I'm guessing Vic didn't tell you?" My mom assumes, sadness lacing her voice.

"Um, no. He didn't. Come inside and we'll talk about it." Vivian says, moving over so we could walk into the house. I walk in after my mom and follow them into the living room where, I'm guessing, Vic's dad was seated, watching a football game. 

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