Tuesday March 9th

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Hey! Picked up right where I left off. Don't forget to Vote! - Blaire

Me: .....Daddy!

I stood up and ran. I jumped and my dad caught me.

Me: I thought you were in Germany?
Dad: I was but I wanted to watch you play the final in person.
Me: well I'm glad you did. Let me introduce you to the team.

I walked back over to Jill and the team who had just watched me run to my dad.

Me: Gals, this is my dad, General David Reed
Jill: I'm head coach Jill Ellis, it is a pleasure to meet you sir.
Dad: it is a pleasure to meet you as well. I know the team normally rides back to the hotel but is it okay if I take her out to eat and drop her back off by curfew?
Jill: of course

Hope, Ashlyn, Ali, Alex, Tobin, and Kelley introduced themselves and then we headed to the locker room. Like always there was beer and champagne to celebrate. I quickly grabbed my stuff and said goodbye to the girls.

My dad and I went out the back way. Fans were screaming from behind the fence as we got into the car. We went to the restaurant and got a table.

Dad: how's school?
Me: good. When I get back on Thursday I have a couple math tests but other than that I'm caught up.
Dad: good
Me: so how long are you home?
Dad: you always get right to it, well I am home for about a week and then I am going to Afghanistan to oversee the lieutenants camp.
Me: how long will that take?
Dad: well it's more than one group so possible 3-5 months
Me: oh
Dad: I know I'm missing your Prom and the banquet
Me: and spring break, and Easter, and list goes on like always
Dad: Savannah
Me: I know you can't help it.

Our food came out and we ate quietly, until i broke the silence.

Me: even thought you're gone a lot and miss things, I know you love me and I want you to know that I'm proud of you and I'm happy that you love your job like I like mine.
Dad: thank you and I'm proud of you too Squirt.

We finished dinner and dessert. We left and headed to the car.

Dad: do I need to ask or will you tell me?
Me: ask what?
Dad: why you're limping again?
Me: it's my left ankle
Dad: promise me that when you get back that you'll go get it checked please. I know you'll hide it.
Me: daddy
Dad: promise me
Me: fine I promise I will

We got to the hotel and my dad dropped me off. I went up to the room and showered. I put on my shorts and sports bra and went to bed.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 5Where stories live. Discover now