Saturday April 10th

794 26 0

Vote Please! - Blaire

Kelley and I woke up at 6:30 and headed down to breakfast. We fixed our plates and sat down. After we ate Jill came in and we watched the film. Once film ended Tobin and I played soccer tennis until lunch. After I ate I went up to my room to change. I put on my training top, black leggings, and my pink uggs. I grabbed my big puffy jacket and my sunglasses.

While everyone was still at lunch I found the longboards and his them on the bus. We loaded up and went to the stadium. The girls went to the locker room and Alex, Ashlyn and I wandered around. I told Ashlyn and Alex I was going to the bathroom and then I would meet back up with them.  I went to the bus and grabbed my longboard. I went back to the tunnel and set it down. I rode back and found Alex and Ashlyn.

Ash: oh my word
Alex: Savannah!
Me: what!
Alex: I want one
Ash: if you get one I get one
Me: then you better thank me for getting yours and Tobin's.

We went back to the bus and got them. We rode around and then when the walkout started we sat at the top of and empty section. They did the anthem and then they honored Carli for her 100th cap. The whistle blew and we fought over the ball. In the 26th minute Press scored with the assist from Lindsey. Colombia kicked off again and kept the ball for a bit. We got it back and JJ scored in the 42nd minute. The ref then blew the whistle for halftime.

Me: hey we should go see if the media room has cheesesteaks.
Alex: yes!
Ash: nope I'm not getting in that media storm
Me: your loss

Alex and I got up and rode down the ramp. We stopped before the media room and made a plan.

Me: alright I will distract you go in the back and get the cheesesteaks
Alex: deal

I got back on my longboard and rode around the front of the media room where the window was. As I passed it got the media's attention and Alex snuck in the back. Alex grabbed 4 sandwiches and then snuck back out. I rode back around and Alex and I rode back up the ramps. We made it and sat back down.

Alex: since I decided to be nice I got you one Ash.
Ash: awe thanks
Me: that 4th one is mine too since I was actually photographed. I probably looked like a teenage bandit.
Alex: you are Baby Horse
Me: touché sandwich stealer

I ate both of my sandwiches and watched the 2nd half. The only goal was from JJ in the 79th minute. When the game ended we hid the longboards back on the bus and then went to the locker room.

Jill: great game ladies I am very pleased with how you played. Now my question is Twins where did you get the longboards?
Me: I'm not sure I know what you're talking about.
Jill: really so the descriptions of a teenage brunette with hot pink uggs riding a long board in front of the window while an older brunette with a pink beanie swiped cheesesteaks isn't you and Alex?
Me: well when you put it that way then yes it could possibly have been us
Jill: all I have to say is I'm glad you two are creative but you should realize that next time you can just walk in and get them
Alex: where's the fun in that?
Jill: when a security man is not asking me if two are players are delinquent kids
Me: point taken well I think it's time to load the bus don't you think Al?
Jill: good idea Baby Horse

The team laughed and we loaded the bus. We got back to the hotel and fixed our plates for dinner. 

Hope: literally the only thing on my Twitter is you two on your longboards with two cheesesteaks each.
Me: hey they were fantastic
Tobin: is Alex on my longboard?
Me: yeah I needed a third and yours was the only one left.
Alex: thanks Tobs
Hope: well I'm glad that Jill found it funny
Me: yeah me too, it was my plan

We all laughed and then went to our rooms. Kelley and I showered and went to bed.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 5Where stories live. Discover now