Friday April 9th

778 22 1

Vote please! -Blaire

Kelley and I woke up and headed to breakfast.

Hope: have you finished your work?
Me: yup I finished yesterday
Ali: so are you going to have finals?
Me: well in some classes we have EOCs but in the ones we don't if you have an A average then you are exempt.
Alex: What classes have EOCs?
Me: English, US History and possibly Biology 2
Ash: What do EOCs do?
Me: if you get an excellent then you get cords for graduation. I already have 1 for Science, Math, and English. The only reason I don't have one for Social Studies is because the only EOC test is US History.
Kelley: So they're smarty pants tests
Me: pretty much
Hope: what all can you get for graduation because I know some schools have a lot.
Me: yeah we do. There is the 4.0 medallion, honor cords, the national honor society, and Senior merit.
Ali: holy crap
Ash: what are you getting?
Me: hopefully I will keep my 4.0 and get the last cord. I will have the honor society and the Senior merit goes to the top male and female of the school.
Hope: you better keep your 4.0.
Me: yes, mother

We finished eating and went to the load the bus. At the field we out on our cleats and did warmups. We did movement drills and then a couple set pieces. We finished and headed back for lunch. We ate and then Jill came in.

Jill: Okay ladies, the schedule for tomorrow is breakfast at 7 with film after, lunch at 11 and load the bus at 12:15. Now our lineup is Alyssa, Krieger, Broon, JJ, Kling, Moe, Horan, Lloyd, Dunn, Press and Heath. Now for tonight dinner is not mandatory so you can go out if you want just remember my rules. Now I need to see Alex and Ashlyn. Baby Horse Dawn needs you and your laptop. That is all.

We cleared our plates and Alex and Ashlyn followed Jill. I went up to my room and got my laptop. I found Dawn in the training room.

Dawn: so I finally got everything set up for you. We have a program that all of the girl's use. They put in what they eat every day, if they train they use the tracker bands and upload it. Also I can put in workouts that I want you to do.
Me: alright
Dawn: let me plug in the drive and I will set everything up for you. While it does that here is your tracker band and the watch to go with it.
Me: What about my games for school?
Dawn: we set it up that as long as you have the watch within 200 yards it will pick it up.
Me: great thank you

The program finished downloading and Dawn showed me how to use it. We finished and I went back to my room. Kelley was gone so I went to Alex and Tobin's and our whole group was there.

Alex: there you are what did Dawn want?
Me: she just showed me the program to put everything on
Ash: oh, well Jill told us that there weren't boxes so we are kind of on our own for the game
Me: okay cool
Hope: so what are we doing for dinner?
Ali: let's go out
Tobin: ooh we can go to Zahav that's down the street
Ash: fine with me
Alex: me too
Hope: and me and my 5 year olds.
Ali: let's do 6:30.

We all agreed and then watched a movie. The movie ended and we all broke off to go get ready. I put on my grey sweater, black skinny jeans, and my grey ankle boots. Kelley had a white sweater, jeans, and her black ankle boots. I curled my hair and did my makeup. Kelley and I headed down to the lobby to meet the other girls. They came down and we started our walk to Zahav. We got our table and order our drinks. Kelley and I were texting each other about what movie we were going to watch and I was also texting Megan, Kiley, and Brad.

Hope: Savannah and Kelley put the phones up we are at dinner.

We looked up and when Hope looked away and I read the message Kiley sent. I looked back up but Kelley looked down at the same time my phone vibrated.

Hope: that's it hand them over
Kelley: fine
Me: but I'm texting like 3 people plus I'm reading and article from Nike.
Hope: Savannah Blaire hand it over
Me: fine here

Hope took my food and then we ordered our food. We ate and talked about random things. We got our tickets and then headed back to the hotel.

Me: can I have my phone back now?
Hope: nope but Kelley can
Me: what why!
Hope: she didn't ask
oh my god.

We made it back to the hotel and Kelley and I went to our room. We watched a movie and half way through Hope came in.

Hope: here's your phone Baby Horse
Me: thank you
Hope: I thought I had a lot of notifications but holy crap your phone would not stop
Me: yeah I know well goodnight
Hope: goodnight you two.

Hope left and we finished our movie before going to bed. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 5Where stories live. Discover now