Saturday April 17th

698 17 1

Since its halloween i'm giving you guys a treat with three updates tonight! Vote please! -Blaire 

Kelley, Hope and I woke up at 7. Lydia made us breakfast and then we changed and headed to the airport. They checked their bags in and we said our goodbyes. They went through security and I went home. Duke and I went for a run and then I did ball work. I showered and had lunch. After I ate I checked my emails. I had one from Nike, Beats, Apple, Dawn, Chobani, Anson Dorrance, and Kathrine.

To Savannah Solo,
Hey it's been a while, we want you do another photoshoot along with your Olympic photos. We know you are still in school so let us know when would be a good time for you. – Mike Keratin

To Savannah Solo,
Savannah, we would like to do a photoshoot and your Olympic sponsorship photos. If you could tell us a good time for you we can try to schedule in advance, Thanks. – Matt Costello

To Savannah Solo,
This is just a check in on the products you have. If you have any problems or concerns, please let us know. – Michelle Gardner

To Savannah Solo,
Hey Baby Horse since the girls have the NWSL for a while I want to do a one on one workout with you. Let me know when you get out of school and what your plans are thanks. – Dawn Scott

To Savannah Solo,
Hi Savannah I want to congratulate you on Olympic Qualifying. We want to meet and discuss a possible endorsement for the Olympics. Chobani has already partnered with Alex Morgan and Morgan Brain. Let us know when a possible date is good for you, thanks. – Hamdi Ulukaya, CEO & Founder

To Savannah Solo,
Savannah I want to invite you to our summer camp as a player and a mentor. If you're interested, please email me back and I can give you more information. – Anson Dorrance

To Savannah Solo,
Hey Savannah I have a couple emails from various companies that want to do endorsements. They are Zico, Balr, Coca-Cola, Starbuck, Pepsi, and McDonalds. Let me know what you think. – Kathrine Young

I finished the emails and checked my calendar. I had EOC testing next week and then two more weeks. My last day would be the 3rd and soccer workouts didn't start until the 31st.

To Mike Keratin,
I can do a photoshoot sometime between the 4th and the 8th. – Savannah Solo

To Matt Costello,
I can do a photoshoot sometime between the 4th and the 8Th. – Savannah Solo.

To Michelle Gardner,
Everything is great but how much would it be for me to get the new iPhone 6s plus? – Savannah Solo

To Dawn Scott,
My last day of school is the 3rd. I am trying to schedule my photoshoots in California the 4th – 8th. I have two weeks and then my high school workouts start. I also have personal trainer that I am working out with almost every day. I also may be going to UNC to help and participate in their summer camps. Other than still having to plan a meeting with Chobani that is all I have as of now. – Savannah Solo

To Hamdi Ulukaya,
I would love to meet with you and thank you for the congratulations. I can do sometime the 9th- 13th thanks. – Savannah Solo

To Anson Dorrance,
I would love to come and help or participate in your camp. – Savannah Solo

To Kathrine Young,
I could do Zico, Balr, and Starbucks. The others I don't eat or drink their products and I don't want to sponsor a lie so just tell then I'm not interested, thanks. – Savannah Solo

I finished my emails and then Lydia made dinner. I ate and then uploaded everything to my computer for Dawn. I fed Duke and then played Xbox until I went to bed. 

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