Monday and Tuesday March 29th and 30th

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Vote please! -Blaire


Brad and I woke up at 7:30 and I let Duke out. I changed into my US soccer travel stuff and then went to eat breakfast. Brad drove me to the airport and I checked my bag in. I said goodbye to Brad and then went through security. My boarding call came at 11:45. The plane took off and I landed at 3:30. I got my suitcase and then headed to the East entrance. Becky, Carli, and Kling were there too.

Me: hey guys
Carli: Baby Horse how's the ankle?
Me: it's okay for now
Kling: there's Marissa

We loaded into the van and went to the hotel we were staying at. We walked in and I was tackled.

Me: dang I didn't know Squirrels could fly
Kell: sorry jumped a little too hard.

Kelley helped me up and then Jill came over.

Jill: hey ladies, Carli you're in room 412 with Hope, Kling you're 409 with Moe, Becky 410 with HAO and Baby Horse you are 413 with Kelley.
Me: yes!

Kelley helped me with my bags and went to our room. I unpacked some things and then Kelley and I talked.

Kelley: so how was prom?
Me: good, I wish my dad could have seen me but other than that it was great.
Kelley: where is he?
Me: in Afghanistan for at least the next 3 months possible 5.
Kelley: 5 months dang
Me: yeah he is training Lieutenants
Kelley: was your mom home?
Me: yeah but she leaves the 2nd.
Kelley: oh
Me: yeah but that's normal for me, what's up with you?

We talked until dinner. We walked in and I saw Hope and Ashlyn standing in line talking. I ran and launched myself on them.

Me: Hopey! Ashy!
Ash: hey Baby Horse
Hope: must you always jump on me?
Me: it's not just you its everyone, I'm a jumper.
Ash: put a saddle on you and we could be an Equestrian team.
Me: ha! Funny can you put me down now?
Hope: sure

Hope flipped me upside down and lowered me.

Me: I meant on my feet!
Hope: sucks

I got up off the floor and made my plate. I sat down and our group ate and talked. Jill came in and we all quieted.

Jill: hello ladies. We have a week before we travel to Hartford so let's make the most of it. Tomorrow we are in the weight room to start with. The second training will be out on the field. Breakfast is at 6:30, training starts at 8 by in the lobby by 7:45. Gear room is 401 and training is 402 and 403. Goodnight and see you in the morning.

We cleaned up our tables and then had movie night before we all went to bed. 


Kelley and I woke up at 6:15 and got dressed. We headed down to breakfast and fixed our plates. We ate and talked with the girls. 7:40 came around and we headed to the gym. Dawn lead our stretches and then paired us off. I got paired with Kelley. We did our squats and then moved to ab work. Dawn called time and handed out our recovery drinks. We got them and went to lunch. We ate and then had an hour before we had to load the bus. At the field I put on my cleats and Jill called me over.

Jill: we are going to put you in most of the drills but the small sided games and the scrimmage we are pulling you and Alex out.
Me: why Alex
Jill: she'll tell you

Jill walked away and we started. We did drills working on defensive drills and then some finishing work. We finished the drill and Jill pulled Alex and I out. We went over to Dawn and she gave us and ab work out to do.

Alex: I'm out because of my hip.
Me: oh what happened?
Alex: I have a bruise in the joint in a preseason game.
Me: oh are you playing in the games?
Alex: no I'm not, neither is Ashlyn's since she's still recovering from the flu.
Me: oh yeah

We finished our workout and then changed into our tennis shoes. We helped the staff pick up and then loaded the bus. We ate dinner and then a group of put in a movie and went to bed. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 5Where stories live. Discover now