Thursday March 11th

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Don't forget to Vote! -Blaire

Brad and I woke up at 6. Brad put on his baseball tee, khaki pants, and his converse. I put on my leggings and my Nike shirt and tennis shoes.

Me: yeah the nerve block is definitely wearing off
Brad: well let's eat and then we can go.

We ate cereal and then got in Brad's truck. He drove us to the hospital and we went in..

Sarah: Good morning you two.
Us: good morning
Sarah: alright Savannah hop up.

She did her normal protocol and then looked up.

Sarah: I know it's the ligament but we are going to x-ray it along with the MRI
Me: okay

It took a while but we finally got the x-ray and MRI done.

Sarah: the x-ray shows that the bones are fine which is good. It will be two days until we get the MRI results back
Me: okay
Sarah: you're about to be mad but with that being said you are used to your old best friends called boot and crutches. at least until we know more.
Me: you're kidding me
Sarah: no I'm not. When your results come in I'll get our head of ortho to look at them. Until then you need to stay off of it
Me: alright
Sarah: you two are free to go then, here are your crutches
Brad: thanks mom
Me: thank you Sarah

We left and I texted my parent, Jill, Hope, Ali, and Alex what was going on. We got to school and went into the end of first hour.

Kirk: Solo what did they say?
Me: we have to wait on the MRI result but it's definitely the ligaments.
Kirk: when do they come in?
Brad: Saturday
Kirk: well let me know, for now go stick it in the cold whirlpool.
Me: fine

I put my foot in until the bell rang. Brad and I grabbed our bags and headed to the 5th wing. When we got to the stairs we got Matt to hold Brad's bag while he piggy backed me up the stairs. Brad set me down and we headed to Barron's room.

Barron: Solo, Evans wait in the hall please

Brad set out bags down and came back out with Barron.

Barron: so?
Me: waiting on MRI results on Saturday
Barron: alright. thank you Solo you can go back in

Barron: has she been like that all morning?
Brad: if you talking about being rude then yes, she's frustrated
Barron: I can tell, has she talked to Hope or Alex?
Brad: she texted them but other than that no she hasn't
Barron: alright thank you

Brad and Barron came back in and class started. My classes went by quickly and Brad went home to let Duke out. He came back and we went to 6th hour. I watched our cheer practice and then Brad drove me home. I did homework and then had dinner. Brad took Duke for his run and I did an ab workout. Brad went home and I showered and went to bed.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 5Where stories live. Discover now