Monday April 12th

827 21 0

Vote Please! -Blaire

I woke up at 6 and went to the bathroom. I did my hair and makeup and then went to my closet. I got dressed and then walked back into my room where Hope and Kelley were still asleep.

Me: hey Hope I'm leaving
Hope: mm bye Baby Horse

I grabbed my backpack and went to the kitchen.

Lydia: good morning Savannah
Me: good morning, oh Kelley and Hope said they would be fine so you have the rest of the day off.
Lydia: alright well I just restocked the fridge. I made you chocolate creeps and your lunch box is in the fridge.
Me: great oh that reminds me can you write down what you made this morning and what you put in my lunch box my fitness coach needs it.
Lydia: of course
Me: thank you and breakfast was amazing. I will see you tomorrow.

I grabbed my keys and headed to school. I unlocked the training room and set up everything. Brad and Kirk came in 10 minutes later.

Kirk: Solo even though you didn't play congratulations
Me: thank you. Oh are you going to the banquet tonight?
Kirk: I'm not sure yet
Me: well I hope to see you there

1st hour started and ended quickly just like the rest of my classes. I made up my math tests and turned in all of my work. After 6th hour I went home and walked through the door.

Me: Hey Duke where's Hope and Squirrel?
Hope: in the kitchen
Me: oh hey

I set my lunch box on the counter and grabbed a water bottle.

Me: so what did you do all day?
Hope: Well I took Kelley and Duke for a run and then made lunch and read a little.
Me: fun thank you for running him
Kelley: he runs like you
Me: ha you're so funny
Hope: stop it you two. So how was school?
Me: good I got caught up with all of my classes, also found out that Brad's football banquet is on the 15th if you two would like to come you can.
Kelley: Sure
Hope: fine with me.
Me: alright

The 3 of us talked until it was time to get ready. We all finished and I put Duke's service leash on him. We loaded the jeep and went to the convention hall. I parked and led us in.

Meg: Savannah!
Me: hey Meg.
Meg: here let me show you where I'm sitting.

We went in behind Megan. We sat down and at our table it was Me, Hope, Kelley, Coach Alex, Coach Barron, Compton, Connor, and Megan. Once everyone settled Coach Barron spoke.

Barron: good evening ladies and gentleman. I want to thank you for coming to celebrate these wonderful young ladies. That is all for now so we can eat before Solo gets too impatient.

We all laughed and then got up to fix our plates. We sat back down and ate and talked. About 30 minutes later Coach Barron and Alex stood up and went up to the front.

Barron: First I would like to thank you parents for allowing your daughters to play and also supporting them. Girls thank you for making me love my job because that is rare. Watching you all grow not just as players but as people is what makes what I do worth it. Seniors I am thankful that I have gotten to watch the 5 of you grow so much in just 4 years. Before my allergies start let's get to some awards shall we?

Alex: I would like to announce we had 6 players on the 1st team All District and they were Connor Beard, Anna Caldwell, Samantha Gulden, Elizabeth Hart, Megan Portick, and Savannah Solo. 2nd team we had 3 Aly Border, Mackenzie Donald, and Mackenzie Compton.  

We had 4, 1st team Northeast Region players Connor Beard, Anna Caldwell, Megan Portick, and Savannah Solo. We had 2 on the 1st team All State and they were Megan Portick and Savannah Solo. And finally for the second year in a row Savannah Solo made the 1st team All National.

For this next team only seniors can get. The all honors team requires you to have a 4.0 all 4 years of high school and they were Aly Border and Mackenzie Compton.  And I will let Barron will announce these next awards.

Barron: Now for our next awards the girls voted on themselves. The first award is the permeant team captain. This award carries over until you graduate. To add to Solo this year's recipient is Megan Portick.

The MV Defender of the year for the 2nd time in a row is Aly Border. MV Midfielder for the 3rd time in a row is Megan Portick. Now this should be no surprise with a new school record with 51 goals in a season is 3rd time MV Forward is Savannah Solo.

This year's most improved got to Mary Lander. The award is an honor, to get it shows hard work, determination and the will to get better.

Our last award of the night is the Coach's award and it goes to Savannah Solo. Savannah is one of the hardest working people I have met. 51 goals in a season does not come easily especially while traveling around the country missing weeks at a time to play for the National Team all while maintaing a 4.0. I don't get how you do it but I am grateful that you do.

Me: thank you coach, now I wasn't planning on a speech but it feels right. I want to thank my teammates for being amazing and supporting me. I want to thank my parents who unfortunately aren't here but they support me no matter what and Hope and Kelley who are here in their place. I am thankful I have another year and we have another state championship to win.

Barron: thank you Savannah. Now before our video I want to thank you all for a wonderful season!

We watched the video of all the pictures from the year and then we all got pictures before we all eventually left. Finally, back in the car I took off my shoes. On the way back we talked.

Hope: dang Baby Horse racked up didn't you?
Kelley: yeah 6 awards
Me: yup
Hope: so your friend Megan does she do travel?
Me: yeah she used to ODP but she stopped last year when she got hurt and now it's too late to start again
Kelley: is she playing in college?
Me: yeah she had offers from Texas A&M, Florida State, Penn State and KU.
Hope: that's good
Me: yeah her boyfriend plays too.

I parked my jeep and we got out. I showered and then got ready for bed. Hope and Kelley did the same and we talked until we found asleep around 12.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 5Where stories live. Discover now