Tuesday & Wednesday May 4th & 5th

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this next part isnt part of the chapter its just to show her schedule. vote please! -Blaire

To Savannah Solo,
Would you be able to come on the 4th? – Mike Keratin

To Savannah Solo,
Can you make the morning of the 5th? – Matt Costello

To Savannah Solo,
Hey Baby Horse can you come train the 14th– 21st ? – Dawn Scott

To Savannah Solo,
The 12th will work for us. We can't wait to have you in New York! – Hamdi Ulukaya

To Savannah Solo,
We can send you then new one and switch everything and then you can send the one you have currently back to us for no charge. – Michelle Gardner.

To Savannah Solo,
Great! We want to have you come in the 14th of June and stay through the 25th. The actual camp is the 18th – 21st but we want to show you around campus and also get to know some of the girls. If you like it, we have another camp in July that you could come to. You will be a counselor but also train with the girls that are doing workout. Let me know what you think! – Anson Dorrance

To Savannah Solo,
So Zico wants to meet on the 6th. They are located in El Segundo, California. Starbucks wants to meet the 8th and they are in Seattle. Now Balr wants to endorse but not for the Olympics since they are based in other countries. Their CEO wants to video conference and discuss things with you. He said the 9th would be best but maybe can do another day. Other than that you are good to go. – Kathrine Young

To Kathrine Young,
Okay those are all good with me. I need a ticket to California on the 3rd in the evening, then a flight to Seattle on the 6th in the evening. A flight to New York the 11th and then a flight back to Cali the 12th in the evening. – Savannah Solo

To Michelle Gardner,
Great can you send it to the second address that is in Seattle because that is where I will be. Thanks
-Savannah Solo



My alarm went off at 6 and I got up. I got dressed and brushed my teeth. I grabbed my phone and headed to the lobby. Someone from the Nike company picked me up and drove me to the headquarters. I got out and went in.

Mike: Savannah it's good to see you
Me: long time I know
Mike: it has, dress and then hair and make-up will be ready for you.
Me: alright

I went to the dressing room and put on the black joggers, black crop top, black high top shoes and then a white jacket. I went to hair and makeup and then put my hair in a bun but kept some whispies out. They did my eyebrows, mascara, and touched up some spots. When they finished I headed out.

Mike: well we are trying something new, a couple have already done it and they turned out great. We are going to put you on a mini trampoline and get action shots
Me: ooh fun
Mike: also we have another outfit after this and then we are going to do your uniform pictures for the Olympic sponsorship, so let's get started.

I got set up and it was a little awkward to begin with but I eventually got into it. An hour and a half later I switched into an all grey outfit that was similar to the black. I went for another hour and then I changed and we had lunch.

Mike: when we release the Olympic photos we want a quote from you to go with it
Me: uh let me think about it
Mike: that's fine

I finished eating and we started again. 3 hours later we finished.

Me: hey Mike you might want to write this, You can't just ask to be remembered you have to do something work remembering.
Mike: perfect. And as always the clothes are yours even the kit and the shoes.
Me: thank you Mike.
Mike: of course and Jessie is going to drive you to Santa Monica so you don't have to get a cab.
Jesse: I live out there so I figured it would be easier
Me: alright let me change and we can go

I changed back into my jeans and put on my new black crop top and shoes on. I got in the car and Jesse drove me to the hotel to get my bags and then off to Santa Monica. I said goodbye and then went into my hotel. I checked in and got my room. I ordered dinner and then got in the shower. I ate and then went to bed.


I woke up at 6 and got dressed. I ate breakfast and then walked down to Beats headquarters. I walked in and went to the desk.

Lady: Alex I didn't think you were scheduled for today?
Me: I'm not Alex, Savannah Solo.
Lady: I am so sorry, here you can follow me.

I followed her back to where Matt and Luke were.

Luke: Savannah, glad you could make it
Me: thank you for having me
Matt: well we are going to shoot your Olympic shots today. Our hair and makeup team is going to take you and then we are going to go outside and take some shots.
Me: okay

I went to hair and makeup and they put my hair in a ponytail and straightened it. They did my eyebrows, mascara, and a base on some spots. I headed outside and met up with Luke.

Luke: alright here are the headphones and we are going to have you hold a flag behind your head.
Me: facing the sun or away?
Matt: facing.

I set up and for an hour I faced different ways and in different stances.

Hale: right there, smile. Perfect that's the one. I'm good Luke.

We went back inside and sat down.

Matt: where are you headed next?
Me: El Segundo for Zico
Luke: when do you leave?
Me: Today
Matt: if you want I can take you, I am going to visit family and I have to go through El Segundo
Me: uh sure

We ate lunch and then I got my bags and Matt drove us to El Segundo. I checked into my hotel and showered. I found a café and had dinner. Back at my hotel I called Hope.

Hope: hey Baby Horse
Me: hey I'm just reminding you that I am coming in tomorrow
Hope: yeah and I talked to Laura and if you want you can come train with us
Me: alright I will, oh also If you get a package with my name on it, it's my phone
Hope: uh okay well I have to go bye Baby Horse
Me: alright goodnight Hope.
Hope: goodnight

I hung with Hope and then went to bed. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 5Where stories live. Discover now