Thursday & Friday May 27th & 28th

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I got up at 6 and went to my workout. I came back and took Duke for his run. I showered and then Brad drove me to the airport. I said goodbye and boarded my flight. I landed at 12 and went to the hotel. In the lobby Kelley and Alex were waiting.

Me: Squirrel, Twin!

I ran to them and Alex caught me while Kelley jumped on both of us making Alex fall. Hope then of course walked in.

Hope: Every time I swear! can you two stop tackling each other.
Me: Hopey!
Hope: Savannah Blaire Solo do not jump on me
Me: but where's the fun in that?
Hope: I will let you land on the floor
Me: fine

We got our rooms and then went back down for lunch. We fixed out plates and sat down.

Alex: dang twin I think you're smaller than me now
Me: really?
Hope: yeah I don't think Al has that big of a thigh gap
Kelley: yeah Kaylyn Kyle maybe but not Al
Hope: when is the last time you weighed yourself?
Me: I don't know probably January camp
Hope: Savannah Blaire!
Me: what
Hope: in the morning I am weighing you
Me: okay and oh that reminds me Dawn said she needed to make my blood again
Kelley: and you need someone to hold your wittle hand
Me: yes and since your being a meanie, Ali will you go with me?
Ali: yes come on Baby Horse

I stuck my tongue out at Kelley and followed Ali. Dawn took my blood and then we went back to find the girls. They were in mine and Hope's room. We talked until dinner and then went down to eat. After dinner we watched a movie and then went to bed. 


At 6 Hope was waking me up. I got out of bed and followed her. I stepped on the scale while Hope watched the number.

Hope: Savannah Blaire!
Me: what
Hope: 110! You were 132 you are supposed to be watching this!
Me: I've been eating on my plan and really you woke me up at 6 and you're the one yelling?
Hope: yes! you've lost 22 pounds and now considered underweight
Me: well it is too early and I'm tired and hungry so I am going to breakfast.

I walked out and Hope was behind me. We went to breakfast and I fixed my plate. I sat down and ate and talked with Kelley. My plate wasn't completely empty but I was full so I got up.

Hope: where do you think you're going?
Me: to our room?
Hope: no you're not. Sit and finish
Me: I'm full
Hope: I don't care
Ash: dang its only 7 and you've already pissed Hope off.
Hope: she has and if she doesn't sit and eat she'll lose her phone
Me: oh my god fine

I sat down and finished the eggs and grits on my plate. I cleared my spot and went to my room and changed.

Ash: why are you mad at her at 7 in the morning?
Hope: guess how much she weighs right now
Ali: 123
Alex: 120
Kelley: 118
Hope: she's at 110
Ali: holy shit how?
Hope: I'm not sure she said she's been sticking to her plan.
Alex: well Dawn took her blood maybe it will show why

While I was changing I noticed my shorts were bigger than normal. I rolled them and then headed out. I went to the gym and did warmups. We did our work out and then Dawn gave us our drinks while we listened to Jill.

Jill: Good work out ladies, tomorrow we have a 2 a day. Breakfast at 7, training at 8:30, lunch at 12, training at 2, and dinner at 7. Solos and Alex Dawn needs you in the gear room 1401. That is all.

Hope, Alex and I got up and went to the gear room.

Dawn: Well Baby Horse your recent bloodwork showed a boost in metabolism. We don't know why but we are making a new plan that will keep you where you ate until we know more. That being said I need you Alex to do measurements so we can see the changes.

Alex and I got up and went to the open area.

Dawn made us take our shirts and shorts off. She and Sarah went around us and took measurements.

Alex Baby Horse
34 AA 34AA
Waist- 24 Waist- 22
Hips- 34 Hips- 32
Legs-36 Legs- 36
Height- 5'7". Height – 5'7"
Weight- 132 Weight – 110

Dawn: you're not growing so I'm not sure why your metabolism spiked. Here try these shorts on for me
Me: they fit but they're a little short
Dawn: well the top is adult small and bottom is youth large, Sarah write that down.
Hope: she'll gain it back won't she?
Dawn: possibly but with the amount of training we're doing we are just aiming to keep her the same until we know more
Me: so I'll be a youth large for a while great, well I'm going to go and I will see you all later.
Hope: Savannah Blaire there is no need to be rude
Me: oh sorry I'm just shrinking over here
Hope: that's it give me your phone
Me: Hope, no
Hope: Savannah Blaire Solo give me your damn phone
Me: you know what here now I'm leaving.

I tossed my phone to her and grabbed my longboard. I changed my shoes and left the hotel. I rode around and then had to go back for lunch. I grabbed my plate and sat down.

Hope: is your attitude gone?
Me: nope not yet

I ate and then we went to my room. I showered and then Hope came in. I left and went to sit in the lobby to people watch. About 20 minutes later Tobin came up.

Tobin: follow me.
Me: if I don't?
Tobin: you will, I have a ball

I got up and followed. We found an open area and started passing.

Tobin: so what's up, I mean I know the jist of it but why are you so upset?
Me: honestly I don't know. I guess it's that I've had this problem before and it takes a toll.
Tobin: I understand but try not to take it out on Hope because trust me that won't get you anywhere but in trouble
Me: I'm not trying to I guess she's just there
Tobin: well try not to focus on the size because it doesn't matter. You don't need to be mad it's not your fault and plus it's a work in progress you'll get there.
Me: yeah I guess your right
Tobin: you guess? Please I know
Me: sure you do. Well come on we have dinner

Tobin and I went to the meal room and got our plates. Once Hope came in and sat down I started my apology.

Me: Hope I'm sorry I was rude to you and Al and Dawn. I was frustrated and I took it out on you when I shouldn't have. I'm working on it and I'll get there eventually.
Hope: thank you Baby Horse and I understand but just know when you're rude your phone will be mine
Me: alright that's fair I guess
Hope: you can have it back for now
Me: thank you

We finished dinner and then had movie night before going to bed. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 5Where stories live. Discover now