Tuesday April 6th

777 22 0

sorry its late guys! Vote please! - Blaire

Kelley and I woke up and 7 and went to get coffee with our group. We went back to the hotel and had breakfast. Jill came in and we listened.

Jill: Morning ladies, as you know only 18 of you will be dressing out. Ashlyn and the twins I need to see you 3 after I am finished. Our starting 11 will be Solo, Krieger, Broon, JJ, Kling, Horan, Lloyd, Heath, HAO, Press, and Dunn. Film is after lunch and bus leaves at 4:30 that is all.

Jill walked out and Ashlyn, Alex and I followed.

Jill: sit down ladies. Since we can only have the 18 on the bench there will be a box for you 3 shared with some of our highest sponsors. I know you 3 are responsible on your own but sometimes you can get carried away together so keep that in mind please
Ash: of course yes mam
Jill: also some gear will be set out for you to wear, that is all I have you are free to go.
US: thank you

Ashlyn and Alex went to their rooms and I went to mine. I finished the work I had and then started on the new notes Brad sent me. I got halfway through and then had to go lunch. We fixed our plates and sat down. We talked about the game until Jill came in. We watched film for about an hour and then Tobin and I went in the hallway and played soccer tennis until it was time to go.

We loaded the bus and went to the stadium. The girls went to the locker room while Alex, Ashlyn and I went wondering around underneath the stadium. We eventually made it to the box. We walked in and there were only 6 other people. We got our seats and watched warmups. They did walkout and then took the field.

Ashlyn: So I never congratulated you wining state so congratulations.
Me: thank you Ash
Alex: how many goals did you end up having?
Me: uh let me check coach texted me, I had 51, Megan had 21, Connor had 13, Anna had 12 and Sam had 6. A total of 103. Only 1 goal conceded.
Alex: hoy crap!
Ash: how many games did you have?
Me: 30
Alex: dang

Our attention got pulled by the field. Crystal just score with the assist from Carli in the 27th minute. They set up again and in the 32nd minute Press scored. Not even a minute later JJ scored off of a corner. They went to half time and Ashlyn, Alex, and I talked.

Ash: so how do you really feel about Hope and Kelley going to your banquets?
Me: I'm glad they're going
Alex: okay how do you feel about your parents missing them?
Me: honestly, I'm kind of mad. I guess more at my mom than my dad but its whatever.
Ash: it's not whatever why are you madder at your mom?
Me: well she goes for two weeks at a time and most of the time chooses when and where to go. So of course she is leaving 4 days before them. And I mean my dad is Afghanistan he's out of the country and has been for a month.
Alex: no offense but isn't that normal?
Me: yeah but I'm almost done with school and it was an important year plus they missed last year.
Ash: well I'm sure they feel bad about it
Me: yeah they do but sorry only goes so far over the phone
Alex: yeah I get it
Me: well the second half is about to start so I'm going to get nachos
Alex: ooh I want some
Ash: I want a hot dog

The 3 of us went to the concession stand and came back as the half started. They played for a bit and in the 62nd minute Tobin scored. 3 minutes later Emily, Whit, and Moe got subbed in. Moe assisted Press of her second goal in the 65th minute. Kelley and A-Rod subbed in and Kelley assisted the final goal from Horan in the 74th minute.

The three of us got our stuff and headed to the locker room. We congratulated the girls and loaded the bus. Back at the hotel we had a late dinner and then went to bed.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 5Where stories live. Discover now