19. Lifelong Friends.

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"M.m.mom?" Was the only thing I could respond. I just hope she didn't see that. It would be so embarrassing explaining it to her. I started biting my lips and my hand started shivering. I didn't want to break the trust of my mom. She trusted me alot and I didn't want her to feel ashamed of me.

"Why are you both so scared? Is there something wrong?" Mom asked with worry. Mingu looked at me and gave me the 'we are safe' look. Mom didn't understand we were in a relationship. It was unknown to her. But not anymore. I felt pathetic to keep her in darkness about the most precious and beautiful relation of my life. I loved minho so much that he had become my life. A day without him was not even imaginable. And I wanted mom to accept him too.

"Both of you, come down. I've bought some ice creams for everyone. It's your favourite one rin." Mom tapped my shoulder and smiled. I held my mom's hand and made her face me. "Mom, actually I wanted to tell you something." Minho held my hand and started shaking his head in a 'no' expression. Mom looked at me and then at minho and said, "what is it?" I gathered all my courage and let out a sigh. This was it. I'm gonna tell it to her right away. "Actually mom, me and minho.. me and minho lo..love each other." I was damn scared of mom's reaction so I closed my eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Mom cupped my cheeks. I was not sure of this reaction. Was it good or bad? Why didn't she get angry? But if she is angry, why is she cupping my face? "Mom, because I thought you won't acknowledge us and would want to break us apart. But now I feel bad to keep you in dark about it. I couldn't take it more that I'm trying to break your trust." Tears rolled down my eyes. Minho held my hand and wiped my tears. "Ne Eommoni, we really love each other. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier but I want rin forever in my life." Minho bowed down.

A smile creeped out on my mom's face. "I'm happy that you chose someone like minho. He loves you alot and I cannot dare to break you apart. From the time I met him, I knew he was a great guy. You two enjoy yourselves and don't worry about things like breaking apart. I will cheer you on. Minho, always take care of my precious daughter." Mom cupped minho's face as well. "Thank you so much mom" was the only thing I could reply. "Now come down, the ice cream's not gonna wait for you people." Mom went downstairs.

I was so happy that I hugged minho which strangled him. He hugged my waist and carried me while hugging. I looked into his eyes and I knew these were the eyes looking out for me and loving me every moment. So no more doubts. We went down and started eating our ice creams when mom announced to unnie that we were now a couple and this needs a celebration. And the celebration was the ice cream. Hehe.

It was late at night and minho said goodbye. He went to his house and waved me from his balcony the last time. We drifted off to sleep.

Next morning, when I woke up, I texted minho that, 'good morning mingu. Today you need to go college alone I'm having some work.' I got off the bed and went for a shower, wore a normal jeans and a loose baggy top and went to meet taem. Taem and me were to meet his long lost friend kai. He was to meet at the cafeteria outside our college. We went to the cafeteria and a handsome dark guy stood at the table when he saw us approaching.

To define kai, I would say art. His dark skin was fabulous, his features were sharp, a perfect jawline, chocolate brown hair parted sideways, a crooked smile with a dimple to add on. Oh god! And the best part was that he looked quite similar to taem. My first comment after looking at him was, "wow.. your friend looks like you taem! How can you stop talking to a handsome guy like him?" My eyes were actually trailing on him.

Taem tapped my shoulder and I snapped out of it when he said, " are you trying to cheat on my hyung! Yaa, I won't let that happen!" I rolled my eyes and hit his arm and said, "Never can I ever think of cheating on my mingu. He is the one and only for me you pabo." My face cringed. "Arasso. Now shall we meet him?" oh yeah. The main reason we were here was kai. We walked towards kai and I bowed down. Meeting for the first time it was important to show respect to each other and he too bowed.

"Annyeong haseyo. I'm Lee Hye Rin. I'm taemin's friend." I introduced myself. The atmosphere was so heavy you could actually cut it with a knife. They both were looking at each other and maybe communicating with their eyes? I don't know. "I'm Kim Jongin, also known as kai. I'm taemin's ex-friend." My heart ached at that statement. The way he talks shows how much he cherishes taemin and their friendship. We need to fix this. I smiled and said. "Yes, I know. That's why we are here. I won't let taemin or you leave this place before you too speak and clear it out here itself." He smiled at me.

Taemin was standing like a statue and I had to actually make him talk. They both cleared out their misunderstandings and I was relieved. I gave them their space and didn't sit with them when they were talking. After some good 45 minutes they came back to me. Taem had his hand on kai's shoulder which was a sign they were friends again. " Wow, one more friend I've added to my list of friends." I said and kai smiled. "Ahh, by the way, kai, she is actually minho hyung's girlfriend!" Taem stated. Being called his girlfriend bought butterflies to my stomach.

We left the cafeteria and I overheard kai and taem talking "Let's be good friends together." Kai said. What taem said made me smile. "No.. let's be lifelong friends." Taem hugged kai and we went to college. My eyes started scanning and searching the place to find minho. But he wasn't seen anywhere. I texted him asking him where he was but there wasn't any reply.

I attended my lectures and checked my mobile. There wasn't a single message from minho. I was actually going to exit college when I heard someone call me. I turned around to look at kibum, jonghyun and onew eating something. Kibum waved his hand telling me to come to them. I went and sat beside onew. He offered me one of the chocolates he was eating with an eyesmile. That was the moment I realised that I had seen that eye smile always would help me when things are hard for me. My life would have been so incomplete without onew and kibum. I hugged him and smiled at myself.

I stood up and hugged kibum as well. "Thank you onew and kibumie for always being there for me. You are like my home. I come back to you everytime. I'm so fortunate to have friends like you both.. oh yes.. even jonghyun" they all let out a laugh. It was actually funny. Jonghyun felt a little uncomfortable but after my tiny speech he too laughed it off.

We spent some time together and decided to go home. Kibum being my neighbour walked me home. "So.. what are you planning to do tomorrow?" Kibum asked in excitement. "what? Nothing. Will just attend lectures. Why?" I responded. He kept a hand on his forehead and said, " You pabo! Tomorrow's your mingu's birthday!! Do something for him." I checked my phone and chuck! It was 8th of December. How can I forget his birthday. Kibum is really my savior.

We exchanged our goodbyes and I ran straight to my room like a rocket. I wanted to do something special for him. It was 7.30 p.m and I prepared everything I needed and cuddled in my bed to take a nap.

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