22. Mistaken.

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{A/n note : this is for anuxa6v6 sorry for the late updates!}mention a user

I was ready for going out now. Honestly, I didn't have any intentions meeting the girl but I decided to meet her coz she sounded pleading on the phone. I went near the cafe and she was sitting in the middle of the cafe with boys on the other tables looking at her. Just the sight annoyed me. I felt like running away from there.

Whenever I see her, I'm reminded of minho's face when he first saw her. The hurt was so deep that it made my heart break. I went to her and sat across her without looking at her. She tried to act all innocent in front of me and I felt like punching her so bad. "Hey rin, how are you? You look pretty today." She said. What? Seriously? I was in the worst clothes today and she is saying I look pretty! What does she want from me!

"What? Did you forget I look like a boy?" I said. She felt awkward which made me smile. She was tasting her own medicine. This is the way she treats people. So why don't you get a try!? "Anyway, why did you call me?" I asked her. She flashed a vicious smile and leaned towards me and said, "you know right, that minho and me were together. But I know you love minho and I won't take him from you. I want something else." What is this girl talking about? "What do you mean?" I responded. I actually didn't get what she was trying to say even though I'm pretty smart.

"You know.. only you can help me. I want to date onew. He is kind of hot and also rich. He's just my type. I've called minho and told him to bring onew and said that you wanted to meet both of them." He sipped her coffee. Holy shit! Is this girl out of her mind. After ruining minho's life she wants to ruin my best friends life? Oh no no. That's not gonna happen. I will never let this lowlife meet my precious fluffball.

I threw a glass of water on her face and got up from the seat. "What the hell do you think of yourself. You can't just walk in and ruin someone's life. Boys boys boys! Are boys everything to you! Then pick up any one from all the cheap boys staring at you. And don't you dare come near my minho and my friends. It seems you're Canadian. Better you go back to where you belong. Stop making people sick of you." I yelled at her.

She started crying. I felt bad that I overdid it but this time I'm not gonna be weak. All the problems and hurt she's given need to be repaid. I turned back to go home but I saw a frustrated minho at me. "Whatever it was, this wasn't the way to be dealt with it. You shouldn't have spoken to her in that way. I thought you're different from her, but you're not that special too." Tears started rolling down my eyes when his words pierced my heart. "You know what, a girl who can't respect another girl can't be my girlfriend. I think we should end this." My legs lost all the energy and I crashed on to the floor. Onew helped me get up and was patting my back.

"Minho.. its not what you think. She said that-" I was stopped when minho yelled, "enough! Don't give me reasons. I'm sick of it." He walked away in that situation. Letting me be how the way I am. I ran to him. No. No. No. I can't lose him. I won him after a long wait and this love can't disappear. I ran as fast as I could. He was getting into his car. I ran to his car but he drove off. In the middle of the streets, I was crying and my heart was paining. It was heartbreaking. I never thought that we'll think about breakup for a girl.

Is love that easy to be forgotten? Memories of us together started flashing in my mind. I remember the first time I saw him, he stared into my eyes for 5 seconds and the deepness in his eyes made me fell for him right away. Onew patted my back and made me get up. "Onew... he said he thinks we should break up." I held his hand. "Rin.. let's go home first. We'll sort it out later." I hugged him and buried my head into his chest and kept on crying. I don't know what I would've done if onew wouldn't be there. I cried and cried till my tears stopped.

We went to my house and thankfully no one was in my house. Onew poured me a glass of water and I took my cellphone. 'Minho, it's not what you think. I'm sorry if I hurt you. Please don't think of breaking up. Please let me explain.' I messaged him. He saw the message but he didn't reply. I sipped the water and texted him again. 'Mingu please don't break up with me. I can't live without you. You know minho, that you are my oxygen.' He read it again but ignored it. I called him but he rejexted my calls and finally he put my number to the reject list.

My tears started their way again. "Rin-ah please don't cry. Please. By the way why were you yelling so harshly at that girl?" Onew said. Finally someone who could listen to the whole story. "Onew.. she said that she won't separate me and minho if I set you up with her. She just wanted to use you and that's why I lost my temper. What should I do now? Minho thinks that I don't deserve him. Maybe it's true. Minho may be having atleast a little bit affection towards michelle and that got hurt when I shouted michelle." I couldn't understand what I should do.

"Onew, can you please go speak to him and make him understand?" I pleaded onew. He was the last hope to me. He nodded and went to minho's house. I was in my house. I tried to see through the balcony but minho's window was closed.  After 1 hour, onew came back to my house. "What happened? What did he say?" I asked onew. He looked tired. Jinki let out a sigh and said,"he is not ready to listen to any of it. When michelle called, she said that rin wanted to meet me and minho, so he thinks you called him to insult michelle in front of minho." Onew buried his face in his hands.

Now there wasn't any hope left for me now. I went to his house. I rang the doorbell several times but no one opened it. I searched for the key in the pot but there wasn't one. I rang the doorbell again and minho's mom opened the door. She asked me to sit on the couch. She went to minho's room and knocked the door several times,but there wasn't any answer.

"Rin ah, I think minho is sleeping. Can you come another time to speak to him?" Minho's mom said. I bowed down to her and said, "It's okay. I'll contact him later." I left with a fake smile on my face. I knew minho wasn't asleep. I went to my room and messaged him again,
'I didnt knew you wanted to  ignore me that bad. I know you are not sleeping. Stop ignoring things and please let's face it together. PLEASE?'
I sent the message to him and he read it in no time. I knew he wouldn't reply but there was a reply. 'I can't do this anymore rin. I need a break-up'. The phone fell through my hand and I fell on the ground.

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