Chapter 3"The Emo Girl,Raikou/Rairakku"

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Chapter 3"The Emo Girl, Raikou/Rairakku"
Fei: is she really emo?
Tenma: some people call her 'emo'
Author: We should start reading so we'll see her again

Gouenji's POV
We now landed near Maho no's place

"So thats Maho no?" Fei asked

"I guess so" Tenma said. As they see her walking back home. There is Toramaru

"Wait isn't that---" then everything stopped and became gray

"W-what's going on?" I asked. Then We saw Alpha infront of Toramaru(time is stopped) then I ran behind Raikou and stood there "Don't touch her"

"Eh?" Alpha wondered"I knew you'll be here" then he pressed the sphere device again
"Move-mode" then we all were moved into another field who knows where?

"Now we'll start this match with an indtroduction... Gouenji Shuuya..." then my eyebrows met up "A cousin of that emo girl Rairakku"

"Don't call her that!"

"Gouenji San..." Tenma trailed

"Hm? Well fine" Alpha said. Then They all went to their places

"We have to win no matter"

"So! the match with Tenmas and Protocol Omega is about to start!" Then the whistle blew"There goes the kickoff!" Tenma and Fei started the kickoffs

"Yaruka!(Let's do it )Tenma!" Fei said

"Ah!(Yeah!) Arghhhhh!"Tenma said as he releases his keshin

"Mixi-max Tyrano!" Fei said as he mixi-maxed

"Majin Pegasus Arko!(Demon God Pegasus arc) Armdo!(Armed)"

"IKE!(Go!)" They said as they both kicked the ball towards the goal

"Keeper Command 04" N-Nani? It upgraded?

"Tometanda!(he stopped it!) Fei and Matsukaze's Shoot was stopped!"

"Tsk" then the goalkeeper kicked the ball to...

"Ike, Alpha!(Go, Alpha!)"then Alpha recieved it perfectly

"Now you can see how much we upgraded from before!" Then 4 players surrounded and marked Fei

"Shoot Command 02" then he shot the ball

"Excellent Breast!" But the goalkeeper went to the left but the ball was to the right

Tenma's POV

"GOAL!! Alpha's shoot goes in!" Then we went back to places. Then fei was getting exhausted

"Daijoubu desu ka? Fei"

"Ah Daijoubu(Yeah, I'm fine)"then the goalkeeper threw the ball to me then Alpha quickly steals it

"Alpha steals the ball! But will they make it in, in time?"the anouncer said. Then he quickly rushes in front of the goal and passes it to the other player

"Shoot Command----"then the whistle blew

"tsk... an annoying rule"

"What should we do for the second half?"Tenma asked

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