Chapter 13"aura"

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Chapter 13"Aura"
Fei: whats wrong with her?
Tsurugi: I don't know
Shinsuke: I thought you know Fei?

Maho no's POV

"Whats this?" Wondeba asked as a monitor appeared infront of him

"Just press 'accept'" I said

"Matte!(Wait!) What will that do Raikou?" Fei asked

"It will teleport us straight to God Eden" i said

"Uh?" They all exclaimed

"Hontoni?" Wondeba asked

"Go have a try" I said coldly as I sat back to the back seat of the caravan. Then I closed my eyes and had my arms crossed then I heard a voice

"Maho no" it was Kyousuke


"Why didn't you told them about the soccer field under your hotel room?"

"Oh, ofcourse you don't know why..." I trailed "I'll get it straight. that field is way to dangerous to use avatars with" I said a little bit loudly for the others to here

"What do you mean?" Shindou asked

"i call that field my copy of my Training facility in God Eden"

"Eh?" They were shocked

"It is an illusion to start with, and there were more commands that I had than to raise up my agility, speed, coordination, reaction time, and mucsle strength..." I said having my head down and my eyes closed "There were instances that my illusion is begining to have trouble... like that one time, without my commands the illusion moved on its own... In a weird way It became real the forbbiden command, which almost killed me in The actual God Eden, it destroys the emotional strength of a person in order to force the person to be powerful..."

"So that was the reason why-" Tenma said

"Thats the past, you should not use that field anymore"kyousuke said

"Wakatta(I know)"

"So... just press, 'accept'" wondeba trailed as he pressed the 'accept' button.

"Minna! Hold your breaths for 2 seconds!" I called out. Then they held their breaths and I did as well, and we teleported

In the god eden

"It hasn't changed" Tenma said "everything's the same as that day" oh... 'that' day... soka...

"So this is God Eden Stadium" doctor aruno said as he appeared

"This is where Second Stage Children came from" fei said

"Tenma!" Shinsuke called out "we found the balls!"

"Let's start training!" Tenma said as we nodded

Time skip
We are gathered infront of Doctor Aruno and Wondeba

"Doctor Aruno, how are we able to use Avatar Armed?" Tenma asked

"Keshin" He thinks... "please tell us already" "thats...." were all getting ready for what he will say 1,2,3,4,5---"A mystery to me as well!"

"EH!?"we exclaimed having sweatdrops "i thought he would have known..."

"While space-time theories are my strong suit, I'm a complete amateur when it comes to soccer." He said then pointed his brain" I can't come up with the slightest idea on how to use avatar armed" then he puts his hand back down "anyway, I'm done sight-seeing, so I'll be going now" he said as he disappears

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