Chapter 31 "Can't be just that"?

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Chapter 31 "Can't be just that"?

Raikou's POV
We arrived at the lake and there we met

The two fairies, Aoi and Akane

And for some time they joined us and walked to the land where Kinako is captured, such a steep hill... good thing I'm wearing sneakers but... HELL IT'S HOT! And I'm wearing a dress
And ofcourse, it's nothing for Tove

We came into different challenges. One snakes, two fire

We have arrived and saw Kinako in a bird Cage

"Uh?" Everyone was shocked then King Arthur freed her but Master Dragon then woke up

then, the Black knight turned out to be Ray Rukh, playing his own role as the antagonist  who casted the spell on Master Dragon. Then Master Dragon began attacking and at one point, Master Dragon... i don't know if he/she is dead. Because we could not see him/her in the lake he/she fell on after getting an attack from King Arthur with his Excalibur

More on. We realized Tenma... he's been feeling downwith himself as the captain..... so finally

King Arthur said words. Blowing our minds and making Tenma realize...

 Blowing our minds and making Tenma realize

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The captain he is. Is a different one.

and then they mixi maxed

we were about to be in the lead

And A Light from the water.. and There goes the Master Dragon beautiful glamorous and white she went to Kinako... and for some seconds a forced mixi max. Between Kinako and Master Dragon..

 Between Kinako and Master Dragon

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Then.. we successfuly defeated Perfect Cascade... and now... we explained to the King that we need to get back to our world. And he allowed us and we realized while we were in the forest

"How can we go back?" I asked

"No idea..." Wondeba trailed. Then I left with a sigh and went to the lake, this is definetly magical....

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