🎄Christmas Special(Q&A)🎄

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Yo! Minna
Merry Christmas to everybody!
Sorry if this is not a chapter but, I am here to Answer questions you've asked in the last chapter.
(Reminder: I do not answer questions that will spoil the story)

Question #1: When are you going to put moments for Tsurugi and Maho no together???

Question #1: When are you going to put moments for Tsurugi and Maho no together???

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From: Broor-hikari-chan

Answer: I really can't point out, 'what' chapter? But... in total there are 9 scenes that I already have in my head, the two of them alone and such but... I wont be going to go straight of to them being together(what I mean is.. In a relationship) cause I thought that to make it more dramatic, I'll put up these 9 scenes to make the story nice to read. And so that you'll understand it better in process

apparently I Didn't had anymore questions which is kinda sad to think about it....


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