Chapter 21"Nice feeling"

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Chapter 21"Nice feeling"

Raikou: Doushita, Kyousuke?
Kyousuke: just go and read baka...
Raikou: sigh.. why do you keep calling me a 'baka'?
Kyousuke: just as it means... your an idiot

Kyousuke's POV
"Sigh, You got be serious...." i said with a big sigh

Raikou's POV
I'm at the clubroom's door. Sigh... what am I going to tell the others about this news I recieved from Gouenji San... well he did say he'll be heading here later and that he just needs to bring something particular. Well I'm already wearing my shirt so I wont bother changing inside the clubroom.... though something IS weird about it.

The doors opened, as I looked straight I saw a figure with navy blue hair, smooth pale white skin---

W-Without a shirt!?  ●△● then the figure turned around

"Kyousuke!?" I exclaimed, then he looks at me a little bit shocked, but then his face turns into a calm face "uh?" The he smirked O^O"w-why am I feeling heat?" Then he started walking towards me holding a shirt, then he stopped and threw the shirt, from his hand to my face but I grabbed it "Nani Sundayo!?(WHATS WITH YOU!?)" I exclaimed with an annoyed tone

"Take that off and wear that instead" he said in a cold tone

"E-Eh? This shirt is yours, why are you---"then I looked at tshirt I am holding and its number is #12!? "What the heck...?"

"Now, you're wearing mine." Kyousuke said as he turned around "hurry up and wear yours and give mine" he had hid arms crossed

"Fine." Then I took off the shirt I was wearing(which is Kyousuke's) then I threw the shirt backwards to Kyousuke, then I wore my shirt, and as I pull the shirt down,

shindou's POV
We're back at the clubroom door. Then the door opened.....

We saw Raikou and Kyousuke facing the oppodite direction, just wearing their shirts!?

"uh?"raikou wondered, then both of them looked at us "Doushita?" She asked as she walks towards us as she pats our head one by one "Minna! Okairi!" She exclaimed in a happy tone

"Uh?" we all wondered

Raikou's POV
"Oh yeah I remembered... they don't know anything about them hating soccer....then they went to the couch and sat then I went near the door and it opened, as someone ran towards me and almost tripped but I caught the person...

"Uh?" A little girl voice I hear, as I helped her stand up. Woah... she's small

"are you okay? "

??? POV
I almost tripped infront of everyone. Then someone helped me stand up

"Are you okay? " The person asked. "The person looks so cool" then I started blushing infront of the person "Sorry, do you know me?" The person asked "thats right... that is Raikou Kun, the person they've been talking about here" then I hugged him(Raikou)

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