Chapter 7"The Soccer Ban"

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Chapter 7"The Soccer Ban"
Tenma: Why are they banning soccer!? Soccer didn't even did anything wrong!
Author: You'll have to read Tenma
Tenma: h-hai

Maho no's POV

"What do you mean?" Shindou asked

"Unfortunately as of today, Raimon's soccer club is disbanded"

"sonna....(no way)" tenma trailed

"But we just got the soccer club back to normal again"Shinsuke said

"What do you think happened Fei?"Tenma asked "Did another time paradox occured?"

"IE(No), Thats wrong... a time paradox would have not occured" I said coldly


"The soccer ban..."shindou trailed

"Why does it have to be banned?" Shinsuke asked

"Because of the way we acted against a team from another country in that game" aoi said

"I guess this is only a natural consequence of what happened"midori said

"That game?" Tenma asked. "What game?"

"What are you talking about?" Endou Kandekum asked

"The friendly between Japan and America one month ago"Otonashi Sensei said

"Ah! I know that one!" Tenma said excitingly

"It was such a great game!" Shinsuke said

"I've watched it in TV too, while I was in Okinawa! It was so exciting!" then I looked at everyone else having sad faces and some, confused except for us who time traveled "i dont remember watching any TV, so I don't know this match

"Watching it made me love soccer more than ever!" Shinsuke said

"Me too! I was glued on the TV! Do you recall just as soon as it began---" Tenma said

"You guys... you thought that was a good game?" Otonashi Sensei asked"Are you sure you're not mistaking it for another one?"


"Yeah, the game got suspended because Japan's representatives we're acting violently. almost all of America's team got major injuries" kirino said

"Even though it was only a friendly.." Kuramada added

"It's a disgrace to Japan's soccer" Amagi said

"That game is exactly what got everyone thinking that soccer is dangerous and uncivilized sport" hamano said

"Ah. It wouldnt be a far stretch that the soccer ban is an outcome of that game" Endou Kandekum said.... "masaka....?(Could it be....?)"

"Thats how soccer ban came about.." Shindou said

"It is clearly the foul work of El Dorado!" Wondeba said as he entered the clubroom

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