Chapter 11"The Night"

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Chapter 11 "The Night"

Wondeba: what could Maho no be cooking?
Fei: yeah I know right! Hopefully its yummy!
You guys just have ro wait for Kyousuke's turn. Its just, Fei is also one of my fav

"Eh?" I voice I heard sounding pleased... "oh come on now"


Is that you again?" I asked coldly

"E-eh!? You noticed!" He said shocked

"You can come here and stop hiding from me" i said he the started walking towards me

"Ohh? What are you cooking?" He asked looking at the boiling pot


"Ah!" he said as he was pleased "its smells good" then I grabbed a spoon and gave it to him "A-Are?(h-huh?)"

"Go on have a taste" I said then I continued working on the sushi then He scooped a spoon. "Oh yeah, Fei its---"

"ah! ATSUI!(Its hot!)" He said as he turned red, "hm... what will it look like if both of his hair and eye are red?" Then I imagine him with red hair and red eyes,"that looks ridiculous"Then he swallows it whole then I had a sweatdrop but I think his tounge was burnt or something

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked, as I face him

"K-kinda.." he trailed. Then I poked his cheeks it was a bit hot though

"Uh?"he paused" I'm fine!, its just..."he said as he was shocked

Then I poked his cheek"doushita?(what's wrong), fill me up,

just tell me"


I don't know how to cook" fei said as he was embarassed

"Eh?" I wondered then he was scratching his head "I think I can teach you"I said as I put my hand on his head, well I'm taller than him so it doesn' t really look weird

"T-teach me?"

"Yeah, you taught me of the things in the future so.... It's my time to help you"I said as I looked at him and had my hands to my waist

"Ah! Arigatou!" Fei said happily with a sweet smile, then I did as well. Then I started walking to the kitchen shelves to grab the bowl

"Alright lets bake some cookies"


Time skip
I asked fei to wear an apron incase thing will get messy
I am showing Fei to stir the batter then I gave him his turn on stirring it

Then he was getting the hang of it

Time skip
We've done carving the shapes. We're now putting in some frosting
Then I showed Fei how to put icing on it

"What are you guys---" wondeba said as we saw him and he seemed shocked and both Fei and I looked at him questioned then accidentaly fei squirted the icing too much and it went on our aprons and faces

"Eh!?" We both exclaimed as we wipe of the frosting

"Oh! Cookies!" Wondeba said as he entered

"Wondeba watch out---"I said then he slipped cause of the water on the floor. Well at least I tried to stop him

"Arghh!" Wondeba screamed, then we had sweatdrops

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