Chapter 38 "KYOUSUKE!!"

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Watashi ga Baka demo...(I'm a total idiot)... no one really understood me....

I am hiding from the others as they all went to their respective rooms and slept.
Baka, what am I doing?

Time skip

I am at the practice field... looking at my calendar
"Do I die?

Why does my life cost a lot? Naze?

Naze watashi?


"Why are happy about dying?" Kyousuke asked annoyingly as he positions his head sideways looking at me and then looks away in irritation

"Cause I just know the future, they handle and protect..."

"Tch... but, they're trying to destroy the world using soccer..." Kyousuke said angrily "what makes you believe them...?" he asked angrily

"Why? Because I just know..." then kyousuke was shocked

"Heh maybe from now on make a calendar and mark your time of death..." kyousuke suggested sounding unsattisfied

"That could actually be handy"


End of flashback

"Hm..., when exactly? What exact date?" I asked myself while having my head down looking at the calendar

"exactly before your actual birthday" I heard a voice "the 16th of July, at 11:55pm" N-Nanda to? Then I looked up..."saru.."

"S-Saru.." I trailed "Naze koko ni?(why are you here?)" I asked

"To tell you all information about your future" he said

"Everything.. about my future?"

"Yes, Everything. Want to hear it out?" He asked. Then I nodded "first.. you have two futures... the first one is when you die at 20 years old, second is when you die at 16 years old... which is the future you currently have now"

"J-Jutto... you mean all of this time traveling and meeting all of you, changed a big amount of my future?" I asked

"Yes, Its because the events that should happen, did not... during to El Dorado's disturbance.... you'll die 4 years younger than should be" w-what?...well I guess... its still enough time for me to fix stuffs before I ......go

"You may continue, please be as detailed"

"Heh, Your future today.... the 16th of July,before your birthday. ..

"Raikou Otanjobiomedeto gozaimasu!" everyone said, even Kyousuke

"Raikou Chan is now 16!" Aoi exclaimed

"16! peonies!" Midori exclaimed as Tenma gave me a peony(which is my fav flower)and he smiled, then shinsuke,shindou,Kariya, Kirino, Hayami, Hamano, Amagi, Kurama, Ichino, Aoyama, they all smiled... then I smelled the peonies, 10...? Shouldn't there be 16? Then I looked infront of me, there was Kyousuke

"Omedetoo, Raikou" Kyousuke said as he kneels and gives 3 peonies , then I gave him a sweet smile, then he held my hand w-what...? Then I felt someone wrap a blindfold on me as Kyousuke leads me somewhere. Then they unfolded it ...

there was Nii San having 3 peonies

"Nii san.." i trailed, he's standing but holding a stand thingy...

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