Chapter 15"Keshin Armed"

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Chapter 15 "Keshin Armed?"

Maho no's POV

Time skip

its almost time for us to sleep, as I was just outside. And I sat. I felt the wind as if it is covering my entire body, I breathed... it was nice.

"The wind..." I said with a smile as I had my head facing the moon and my body relaxed in the grass

"Seems like the night owl is still awake" kyousuke said whispering as he sits beside me "night owl? Ofcourse Night owl's are awake at night..... sigh.... really now Kyousuke..."

"What are you doing here?" I asked coldly and looked at him

"getting some fresh air"he said whispering. then I looked back at the moon "ne, Maho no." He paused as he looked gloomy" Do you think I am able to use Keshin Armed?"he asked looking directly at me

"Ofcourse" I said with a smile on my face"i just know it, I swore you'll be able to"I said, then I had my head down my eyes closed and smiled

"you knew Shuu back as Commander?" He asked with a smirk and his eyes closed looking at the sky

"No, I met him when I was watching you guys on before" I said coldly

"Uh?"he seemed shocked as his eyes opened instantly,

"Long story-short, You guys learned so much in this place... and you also met Hakuryuu again"

"Ah(yeah)" He replied then the wind blew as I looked back at the moon with a smile

Fei's POV
We went up and saw the stars

"Sugoi ya! Haiyaku!" I called wondeba

"Don't rush me" wondeba said

"It's so pretty!"


Raikou's POV
"Isn't that Fei's voice?"Then we looked at each other and had the same thought and nodded, then I looked behind us and I saw them at the top

"Oi! Fei and Wondeba!" I shouted whilst standing up

Fei's POV

"Raikou?" We asked as we looked below she was with Tsurugi

"What are you guys doing there?" She asked

"Just look at the stars! They're so pretty!"

Kyousuke's POV
Then Maho no had a sweet smile "uh?"

"Come here you two!" Fei called out. The she was shocked and nodded with a smile

"sorry, but I'm be going to sleep---" I said as I closed my eyes and had my head down and started walking back in but I bumped into someone and I opened my eyes and saw Raikou having her eyebrows met up, inches near my face "What do you want?" I asked coldly

"Fei asked us to come there, don't act so iresponsible" then my eyebrows met and had my eyes closed and had my head sideways

then i opened my eyes having my eyes directly at her"Why do you say that I'm iresponsible?" I asked coldly

"Fei just asked us to come there, it doesnt seem like there is a reason for you to----" she said as she turned around and crossed her arms

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