Chapter 32 "Promise"

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Raikou's POV

A more scientific conclusion and explanation...

wait... the chairman did say something about a blocked area in space time that can never be accessed. so thats why they only went with the only clue. Which is....


Time skip

Fei still isn't waking up

"Fei..." i trailed

Kyousuke's POV
I see...

It was just my thought....

I don't know what happened but, it may be due to the changes in reality.... or....

This is the truth!

"Uh.." fei then opened his eyes

"Fei!" Raikou said

"Oh... I suddenly blacked out.."

"Fei What's wrong, you were holding your head earlier" kinako asked

"I really don't get it. But a picture went into my mind and I don't remember any of it..." A PICTURE!? So... I'm not the only one whose--!


May be it was coincidence or....
"Saru used his powers---"

"Ie" fei said which shocked me" Saru said it himself didn't he? He said that he would fight us without using their powers"

"...." i was speechless "Why do you trust his word?" I asked

"Naze de? Well, I thought you already realized it, Raikou" fei paused "W-Watashi!?" "Just by looking into his eyes and listening to what he's saying... you can tell that he's not an idiot to be joking on kinds like those"

"Uh..." I sweatdropped "i-I..... didn't realize something that simple!? BAKA! Why would I spit something out so----

"I know, I'll get you something to eat!" Kinako said as she stood up from sitting and I prevented her from leaving

"Kinako, stay here with Fei. We'll just bring the food here. And after that.... I realized.

I sput out a stupid phrase" i said added as I left

It's night time even so. I asked the Previous El Dorado members who are in the team now if they'll like to practice. They refused.

so I went to the field and practiced myself. Shooting. Dribbling.

Having my mind ask questions...

"Who exactly is Saru? Or....

Who are the Second Stage Children?

How can they gain so much power from----

Then I hear a ball coming towards me I looked ahead, And kicked it. It was

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